This morning Britney Spears gained, lost, gained, lost then gained the revocation of her visitation rights

Celebrity news flash: dateline: 5 minutes ago:

This morning, Britney lost visitation rights to her two children, shortly after which she got them back, lost them again, got them reinstated, failed to comply with the judge’s conditions, thereby losing them again, after which they were reinstated until they were revoked before they were reinstated again. At this point, the judge announced a brief recess, and after clarifying to Mrs. Spears this did not involve a playground, revoked the recess he had granted, until another judge reversed his decision during a brief break in court proceedings.  A third judge then declared the end of the revoked recess, and conditionally granted visitation rights to the first judge, who then determined that Britney’s visitation rights should definitely be revoked, before which deciding they should never have not been unrevoked in the second place, (which was a primary source of the confusion between the judges) and therefore Britney should not stop unhaving temporarily disallowed revocation of her lack of the right to visit her children unsupervised accept for two mandatory supervisors who must be present in the event the judge’s decision makes a 360 degree turn in the opposite direction of the current circle. 

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