Daily Quick Break: December 27, 2007: Sports

Every day InnocentEnglish.com posts a new funny or cool Quick Break. The Quick Break section has today’s quick break plus previous ones so you can browse through any you missed.

These funny bloopers are actual mistakes by students I have tutored in Conversational English, and are from my humor book.

We won two gold medals,
one silver, and four blonds!

When we won, I was so exciting
I had goose pimps all over my body.

Did I tell you I climbed half way up
one of the tallest pigs in the world?

It was so exciting to watch!
The cheerleaders threw up high into the air.

Someone important always throws the first peach.

For me, a swimming pool is a relaxative.

I was the best racist on my team.

To read the rest, go to: Sports

Quick Break Pic of the Day:

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