Daily Quick Break: January 7, 2008: Funny Pick Up Lines: The Top 50 Best Stupid and funny pick up lines ever!

Every day InnocentEnglish.com posts a new funny or cool Quick Break. The Quick Break section has today’s quick break plus previous ones so you can browse through any you missed.

The Best dumb but funny pickup lines you should probably NEVER use:

Here are the top 50 dumbe and funny pick up lines and chat up lines (as they say over the pond). Remember, InnocentEnglish.com can’t be held responsible for any drinks thrown in your face when you try to use some of these. Funny pick up lines aren’t always the ones that give you the desired result! If you do use any, good luck!

I may not be Fred Flintstone but I can sure make your bed rock!

Is your dad a thief or something? Because someone stole the stars and put them into your eyes!

I’ve heard sex is a killer. Want to die happy?

Excuse me, but I’m new in town, can I have directions to your place?

Can I buy you a drink – or would you just prefer the five bucks?

To read the rest, go to: Funny Pick Up Lines: The Top 50 Best Stupid and funny pick up lines ever!

Quick Break Pic of the Day. Caption this Pic!

8 thoughts on “Daily Quick Break: January 7, 2008: Funny Pick Up Lines: The Top 50 Best Stupid and funny pick up lines ever!”

  1. Look go away i dont want your damn girl scout cookies or
    ok now when you said i wasnt allowed to rip the curtain did you mean it like literally or was it more like a joke, cause if your going to get mad i aint letting you in..

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