Movie Quotes from Twilight Zone: The Movie: Quotes from the movie Twilight Zone: The Movie

Arab? What’s that? Just a nigger wrapped up in a sheet.

Guess this one. ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baaaaaaaaaa. ummm ohh ohh Miami Vice!!!

I told you guys, we shouldn’t have shot Lieutenant Neidermeyer.

The day we stop playing is the day we start getting old. Start watching the clock. Waiting for the days to hurry up and end. Counting the years.

There’s a destiny that shapes our ends, rough hewn though it may be.

Time for you to go now, Ethel!

Wanna see something really scary?

When I rest, I rust.

You’re never too old to play.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Twilight Zone: The Movie’: Quotes from the movie ‘Twilight Zone: The Movie’

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