Freaky and Strange Optical Illusions

Here are some more pretty cool, strange and freaky optical illusions


forest face illusion1

Optical Illusion #61:   some kind of pencil or ink drawing.



broken wall illusion

Optical Illusion #62: The building wall was not actually damaged or bombed, it’s an artwork illusion.



courtship matrimony illusion

Optical Illusion #63: Cool upside down optical illusion.



crazy dice illusion

Optical Illusion #64: An impossible way to stack dice.  I want to know how they did this. It is flawless, but it can’t be real. Maybe it’s a photoshop  illusion.



dolphins optical illusion

Optical Illusion #65: How many dolphin figures are in this image?



focus optical illusion

Optical Illusion #66: Stare at the work focus and the image will start to move.



forest face illusion4

Optical Illusion #67: Illusion of faces within the rocks.



upside down illusion

Optical Illusion #68: Another weird upside down optical illusion.



vase face illusion

Optical Illusion #69: Facial figures within the wooden cup.  This one matches her profile perfectly. She must have been the face model for the carving.



wall art illusion

Optical Illusion #70: The whole wall is a big convincing illusion. The wall is actually flat.



Page Topic: Freaky and Strange Optical Illusions



61 thoughts on “Freaky and Strange Optical Illusions”

  1. Um ya cool… But on the last one, which is a3d iluusion, it isnt really 3d. I can tell this because if you look through the sky light, you can see the cloud from the sky behind the wall and see it has shone through the glass.

  2. wooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well yah this is pretty CREEPY and WEIRD at the same time i was pretty FREAKED OUT about the rhing and the rest of you people should try this it is AWESOME…………..

  4. correction, i dont find any of these ‘freaky’ if anything call them ‘boring’ illusions….srry/

  5. pfffft, this are so cool!!! i told me mom about them and she thought they were the coolest things ever! when i watch them my eyes do funny things…and i like it!!!!! so put new ones on kkkkk? cause that would be spectaculer. NO F JOKE! ugh, so im sitting here lovin on these illusions and im kinda bored. so i really really really really really really think you should out some more on,.,..,..;P

  6. Hello, I am Kelly Pancha. I was going through your work and i thought it was alright. I would have rather seen more ‘freaky’ illusions though. But other then that..good work :)

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