Amazing Optical Illusions



moving dots illusion

Optical Illusion #1: stare at the center and notice what color  the pink dots become.  That color is NOT actually there.



eagles optical illusion

Optical Illusion #2: There are 7 eagles in this very cool illusion painting.



car van illustion

Optical Illusion #3: Look at the sports car next to the van. It’s actually a car painted on the van.



cat with extra fingers

Optical Illusion #4:  If you stare at the kitten’s eyes for a few seconds, it will appear as though the kitten has extra toes. This illusion is created because of eye fatigue which makes the brain believe– Hey, wait a minute. This kitten DOES have extra toes!



checker shadow illusion



color chart illusion



elevator floor illusion

Optical Illusion #7:  They painted the bottom of this elevator so it looks like it has no floor.  Either that or they really had to cut back on the budget in that building! 



seven horses illusion

Optical Illusion #8: Figures of horses hiding within the image.



fluffy shapes illusion

Optical Illusion #9: Stare at the image carefully and find out what shape appears.



terrace optical illusion

Optical Illusion #10: A terrace turns into a floor. (C)  The Terrace, by David Macdonald,  (very cool site with lots of amazing optical illusions. Used with permission). 



Page Topic: Amazing Optical Illusions



59 thoughts on “Amazing Optical Illusions”

  1. wow… the first one’s cool… the pink dots disappeared and all you can see is a green dot circling around….

  2. opptical illusions r 1 of mi favorite things!!
    i even put this site on mi favorites list!!

  3. i already knew the car was painted. i mean i already knew that the van was painted

    thank u for all ur cool illusions

  4. omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this was totally the chiz!!!!!i didn’t get #9 first it kinda looked like a star.after that it was blank.I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

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