Movie Quotes from Scrooged: Quotes from the movie Scrooged

1 Hey boss we can’t get these antlers to stick. 2 Well just staple them to there heads.

#1- Check the record chump, I did some stuff! I was a baseball player. One year I hit the home run to win the big game.
#2- That was the kid on ‘The Courtship of Eddie’s Father’.
#1- There was another time though that I was running down a hillside that was covered with flowers, and there was a beautiful girl like 15 with pigtails and she was waving to me…
#2- You are so pathetic!
#1- … and her parents didn’t know she had snuck out of the house.
#2- You are so pathetic. That was the ‘Little House on the Prairie’.
#1- Was it the ‘Homecoming’ episode of Little House?
#2- Yes it was the Homecoming episode of Little House. Let’s face it Frank garden slugs got more out of life than you did.
#1- (Laughs) Name one!

#1- Check the record chump, I did some stuff! I was a baseball player. One year I hit the home run to win the big game.
#2- That was the kid on ‘The Courtship of Eddie’s Father’.

#1- Do you think I’m way off-base here? #2- Yes. You’re, well, you’re a tad off-base, sir. That thing looked like The Manson Family Christmas Special.

#1- Hi mom, where’s dad? He should have been home by now. #2- Well Wally if I know your father he’s out chasing Beaver.

#1- Hi mom, whers dad? He should have been home by now. #2- Well Wally if I know your father he’s out chasing Beaver.

#1- Let’s face it Frank garden slugs got more out of life than you did. #2- (Laughs) Name one!

#1- Thank you. We don’t want to scare the ‘Dickens’ out of people. #2- Merry Christmas Miss Cooley #1- The DICKENS out of people. Nobody gets it.

#1- You know who likes Mary Lou Retton Frank? My kids. #2- Yeah. #3- Children … love an acrobat!

#1- You know who likes Mary Lou Retton, Frank? My kids. #2- Yeah. #3- Children … love an acrobat!

#1: I can’t get the antlers glued onto this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don’t work. #2: Have you tried staples?

#1: I get it, you’re here to show me my past and I’m supposed to get all dully eyed and mushy. Well forget it pal, you got the wrong guy.
#2: That’s exactly what Atilla the Hun said. But when he saw his mother, Niagra Falls.

#1: Let’s face it, Frank. Garden slugs got more out of life than you.
#2: Yeah? Name one.

…the bitch hit me with a toaster…

1)I will not allow this costume on the air.
2) Why not?
1) Well, specifically: you can see her nipples.
2) I want to see her nipples!
1) But, this is a Christmas show!
2) Well, Charles Dickens would’ve wanted to see her nipples, then.

1)If you touch me again, I’m gonna rip your Goddamn wings off, okay?!
2) You know I like the rough stuff, don’t you Frank?

1)who are you? 2) In life I was your old buisness partner,I’ve been dead for seven years,Frank, seve years. 2)oh no, no, you don’t look a day over four years. 1)Now I’m a worm feist. 1) You arent a worm feist! You are a halucination brought on by Russian alcohol, that was piosened by Chernobile. 2) If you don’t chang you will end up doomed just as I am. Making a put on the 17th hole boom dead of a heart attack.

1. Are you him?! Are you him!? 2. Are you he?

1. I-I’m a little confused. I’m looking for a Francis Xavier Cross.
2. That’s me! The only thing is, it’s not me!

1. Same old Clare. Still trying to save the world. 2. You still trying to run it?

1. your brother? 2. towel. 1. your only brother?

Francis Cross: How we doin’ up there, Elliot?
Elliot: Great! (blows a hole in the recording room window with a shotgun) Now, that was just an innocent window, and you saw what I did to THAT! I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with!

Aaaahhaaaa adored! Let’s be honest Lou, you paid for the women.

Adored, come on Lou lets be honest. You paid for the women!

America’s best love singer invites you to share a home stlye holiday, when it’s Bob Goulets Old Fashion Cajun Christmas.

Back off man,it may work with the girls,but not me.

Bicth hit me with a toaster.

Bitch hit me with a toaster!
But it made your cheeks all rosy and your eyes bright as stars!

Bitch, hit me with a toaster.

Bye Bye Grandma

Claire, the whole world. The whole world, Claire.

Come on Lou, let’s be honest. You paid for the women!

Don’t touch that dial, and stay on him!

Don’t vex me, Frank!

Frank:Programing for cats?

Ghost 1: It’s a bone,ya lucky dog!

ghost 2) On the adams family, what insturment did lurch play? (in a whisper). cross) hey i may be invisable but iam not DEAFFF!!!

Grace: I have to take my son to the doctor.
Frank: Grace, when I work late, you work late.
Grace: But I made the appointment two months ago!
Frank: I CARE! We’re indivisible. If I’m working late, you gotta work late. If you can’t work late, I can’t work late. If I can’t work late, I CAN’T WORK LATE!

Have you tried staples?

Here on IBC. ‘Yule love It!’

I don’t hear any partying in that booth!

I don’t mind you shooting me Frank, but take it easy on the Bacardi.

I know where I am, I know what I’m doing, and I know what’s going on.

I’m sorry, I thought you were Richard Pryor.

I’ve never liked a girl enough to give her 12 sharp knives.

If I’m working late, you gotta work late! If you can’t work late, I can’t work late! If I can’t work late, I can’t work late!

If you don’t change your ways you’re gonna end up DOOMED just like I am.

If you touch me, one more time, Im gonna rip your gosh dang wings off!

Im alive!!!!!

It’s a crock James. It’s for kids.

It’s Lee Majors! The Six Million Dollar Man!

Look, Frank! It’s a TOASTER!!


Make sure her nipples are covered.

Niagra Falls, Frankie Angel.

No, no you’re not a worm feast. You’re a hallucination brought on by alcohol!

Now I have to kill…..all of you.

Oh a Christmas part! I’m so glad I wore my pretty dress!

Oh, come right in. Don’t let the fact that my door is closed dissuade you in any way from entering my office.

Old Man: I was the captain of industry. Feared by men, adored by women.
Younger Man: AAA-DOOORED!? Let’s be honest, Lou. You paid for the women.

Scrape ’em off! If you want to save somebody, save yourself.

Sometimes I find myself hurting from giving so much.

Sometimes you have to slap them in the face to get their attention!

Sometimes you have to SLAP them in the face, just to get their attention.

The bitch hit me in the face with a toaster!!

The bitch hit me with a toaster…

There’s Mr. Hedgehog. I wonder where he’s going? Perhaps to Holland

They can’t hear us, they can’t see us. This is not live, it’s like a rerun.

Why did you do that? Sometimes you just have to SLAP them in the face to get their attention!

Would you like to go get some Chinese food?

Would you please, for the love of God, and your own body, hold the hammering!?

You gave up Claire- for Dippy the Dog?

You gave up Clare- for Dippy th Dog?

You left Claire for Frisbee the Dog?!

You’d be a lot prettier color that’s for sure!

You’re a hallucination, brought on by alcohol–Russian vodka–poisoned by Chernobyl!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Scrooged’: Quotes from the movie ‘Scrooged’

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