Movie Quotes from Patch Adams: Quotes from the movie Patch Adams

(with skeleton) hey, i was trying to loose a bit of weight but do u think this is too thin to u? i got a boner….. i am a boner!

1) Can I help you ? 2) Yeah , you know I cold really go for a foot massage

1) DEATH, to die, to expire, to pass on, to perish, to peg out, to push up dasies, to push up posies, to become extinct, curtins, desceased, demised, departed and defunct, dead as a doornail, dead as a herring, dead as mutton, dead as nits , the last breath, paying a dept to nature, The Big Sleep, God’s way of saying:Slow down….
2)……to check out
1)To shuffle off this mortal coil
2) To head for the happy hunting ground
1) To blink , for an exceptionally long period of time
2) To find oneself without breath
1) To be The Incredible Decaying Man
2) Worm Buffet
1) Kick the bucket
2) By the farm
1) Take the cab
2) Cash in your chips
1) ANd if we bury you ass-up we’ll have a place to park my bike.

1) Hi , I’m patch. 2)…… 1) You’ve just experienced a North AMerican greeting , whereby one person offer’s their verbal label as an expression of friendship .

1) Hi , I’m patch. 2)…… 1) You’ve just experienced a North AMerican greeting , whereby one person offer’s their verbal label as an expression of welcome and friendship .

1) Wait a minute , just now when I said I had a crush on you, you didn’t say ‘ No way loser I’d rather have a lobotomy by a leapor’ , that means something to you. 2) Maybe I was just being polite and didn’t want to hurt your feelings 1) But you’re not polite , you’re rude , sometimes yoiu can be downright bitchy

1)Aren’t you a littl old to be joining Medical School ? 2) You know, Babe ruth was 39 when he joined the Yankees 1)No he wasn’t. 2) You’re right , but i could really use an example like that , and if you ever find one , please let me know .

1)Did you get all that? 2)Not verbatim, but the overall insanity is intact.

1)I don’t want Whitman. 2)He wouldn’t want you either. He was a homosexual.

1)It’s so much more convenient thinking of you as an idiot 2) Hey don’t count me out yet

1)You know you can get a copy of Leaves of Grass the the book store , if you have a %20 student ID card. 2)I don’t want Walt Whitman 1)He wouldn’t want you either , he was a homosexual

A pool full of noodles!

Anything worth doing is difficult

Beany, how much taller is Wilt Chamberlain than you?

Carim : Lesbian, airhead, ballbuster, whichever one of these disgusts you the most, take your pick. Please spread the word: I’m not here to date. I’m not here to flirt. I’m here to study.

Doctor: Does anyone else have a question? Patch: Oh i think pete does..

Donna, party at 50

Donner party of 5

Donner, party of 50!

Emerson elementary. I once drew a picture of a rabbit that got me two gold stars.

Gazundheit, hold please, I only have one arm.

hey Beany how do u say hello to Hitler?…Hey Beany how does Hitler say hello?

Hi, I’m John The Baptist , any calls?

How many fingers do you see?
No no! Look beyond the fingers! Now tell me how many you see.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly without complexities abide. I love you because I know no other way then this. So close that your hand, on my chest, is my hand. So close that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep.


I taught her the medicine that killed her.

I thought , that maybe , if I could light my farts , I could fly to the moon . Or a least Uranus . If not , I could always use my penis as a pogo stick . ANd THAT might be a way of getting around .

Laughter is contagious.

Lets check out the maternity ward, you know those chicks put out

Mitch:(yelling)I don’t like you! Patch:(calmly)Why not? You’re a prick and I like you.

Now is the time for cow!

Patch: Anything worth doing is difficult.

Patch: How do you say hello to Hitler? Patient: How does Hitler say hello?!

Patch: rudy, stop itRudy: I can’t, i have to go to the bathroom. Patch: then go! Rudy:i cant Patch: oh is it the squrrils again? Rudy: yeah. Patch: how many of them? Rudy: just one right now. Patch: well its just one squrrial then im sure you can make it. Rudy: no if i get off the bed he’ll call his friends. Patch: look squrrils are at the bottom of the food chain their right above baby chicks and slugs. Rudy:dont move! Patch:what? Rudy: thes one on your bed post…

Rudy: A Bazooka!

see what no one else sees, see what everyone else chooses not to see…out of fear, conformity or laziness. see the world anew each day!

See what others chose not to see.

So what now? What do you want from me? (looks over cliff) Yah i could do it. We both know you wouldn’t stop me. So answer me please. Tell me what you’re doing. Okay lets look at the logic. You create man. Man suffers enormous amounts of pain. Man dies. Maybe you shouldve had just a few more brain storming sessions prior to creation. You rested on the seventh day, maybe you shoud’ve spent it on compassion. (looks over cliff again) You know what? You’re not worth it.

What’s wrong with death sir? What are we so mortally afraid of? Why can’t we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity, and decency, and God forbid, maybe even humor. Death is not the enemy gentlemen. If we’re going to fight a disease, let’s fight one of the most terrible diseases of all, indifference.

When I was a little girl, I used to go to the window and look at the caterpillars. I envied them so much because no matter what they were before, they would eventually turn into these beautiful creatures and fly away, completely untouched…

You create man. Man suffers enormous amounts of pain. Man dies. Maybe you should have had a few more brainstorming sessions prior to creation. You rested on the seventh day, maybe you should have spent that day of compassion.

You have one job, to be a dickhead. All you have to do is make sure your head is a dick and that it is attached to your neck.

You treat a disease, you win you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you win, no matter what the outcome.

You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person I’ll guarantee you’ll win.

You treat a patient, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you win.

Your only responsibility is to be a dickhead. And how hard can that be? All you have to do is make sure your head is a dick and it’s attached to your neck.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Patch Adams’: Quotes from the movie ‘Patch Adams’

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