Movie Quotes from Narc: Quotes from the movie Narc

1) I wanna see my lawyer!
2) What did you say?
1) I wanna see my lawyer.
2) There are no lawyers, dumb fuck! It’s just me and you, and I am in your shit for the duration!

Detective Henry Oak: If you choose, in your limited wisdom, to fuck around with me and force my hand, then you’re both going out of here in a bag.

Detective Oak: I’m detective lieutenant Henry Oak of the Detroit Metropolitan Police Department. This is detective sergeant Tellis. We already know who you are which is why we are here. You’ve been hiding from us ’cause you killed a cop. That cop’s name was Michael Calvess– ‘Jimmy Fredericks’. Now, I’m gonna give you the opportunity to come all the way clean on this and confess. If you choose, in your limited wisdom, to fuck around with me and force my hand, then you’re both going out of here in a bag

Nick Tellis: Ma’am, let me just, uh– sorry. Your name again?
Liz Detmer: Liz Detmer.

Tellis: Right, right, Ms. Detmer. My duty was soley undercover narcotic work. Do you have any idea what that entails?

Detmer: I have a general idea, yeah.

Tellis: Okay. Well, then, generally speaking, Ms. Detmer, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Come on! Say ‘fuck you’ again!

It’s impossible you’re this dumb.

Man, this is un-fucking-believable.

What if I got killed out there tonight? What if that was me, huh?!

What if I got killed out there tonight? WHAT IF THAT WAS ME, HUH?

Ya mama, ya mama.

Your gun and your shield on the ground now!

[After a apprehending a hoodlum with long dreads]
1) Now, fucking Coolio tried to blow my head off.

[Oak has a gun at a hoodlum]
1) You asshole! I’ll shoot your fuckin’ head off!
[the hoodlum starts crying]
1) Shut the fuck up!
[getting angrier]

[Oak speaks with a prostitute working in cold weather]
1) Never too cold for pussy.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Narc’: Quotes from the movie ‘Narc’

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