Movie Quotes from Gilda: Quotes from the movie Gilda

It means make hay while the sun shines…

Amado Mio.

I hate you so much Johnny…I hate you so much that I think Im going to die from it, darling!

If I’d been a ranch, they would have named me the Bar Nothing.

It doesnt matter..because we where both such stinkers werent we?

One night she started to shimmy and shake/
And that’s what started the Frisco quake.

Pardon me, but your husband is showing.

Put the blame on Mame.

Statistics show that there are more women in the world than anything else–except insects.

Statistics show that there are more women in the world than anything else. Except insects.

To me a dollar was a dollar in any language.

What was that word Gilda?….Decent!I said decent!

Who do ya think your kidding Johnny?

You wouldn’t think one woman could marry two insane men in one lifetime, now, would you?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Gilda’: Quotes from the movie ‘Gilda’

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