Movie Quotes from Electra Glide in Blue: Quotes from the movie Electra Glide in Blue

—I’m gonna do you you now , in one minute what it took the United States Army 6 months to do for me……

—Whats that????

—Nothing!!!….and you dont even have to thank me for it…….

1: I need you to give me some information.
2: I’ll give you some information. You’re standing in pigshit.

1: The speed limit’s sixty miles an hour, right? This little horse kind of gets away from me once in a while.
2: Well, you’re going to have to take a tighter rein because I did clock you doing almost ninety a ways back there.

1: You see, you’ve been back only six weeks and I’m going to do for you what it took somebody six months to do for me.
2: Yes, sir. What’s that?
1: Nothing.

I don’t know what cracker barrel you crawled out of but I wish you’d crawl back in it.

I hate that motorcycle they make me ride.

I’m gunna do for you now in one minute what it took the United States Army six months to do for me….. – what’s that?? – nothing….. and you don’t even have to thank me for it

I’m here to tell you there ain’t nothing in the world I hate worse than that elephant under my ass.

Incompetence is the worst form of corruption.

Looks like he was dead before he decided to commit suicide.

Most of all.

Now that kid is a smart ass and I’m going to bust him.

Oh, man. We’re getting cracked, man, we’re getting cracked. I’m freaking out, man.

TEN-HUT! Good morning, you fascists. You pigs. You bigots. You PINKOS. You FAGS! You BASTARDS. Fuzz. This indoctrination of vocal harassment was compiled by our own Juvenile Division in preparation for the concert this weekend.

who got the batman

You’re gonna give me a ticket? I’m gonna give you a ticket. You’re gonna make me go back to Buckeye Road?I’m gonna make you go back to Buckeye Road, and you know what? You don’t even have to thank me!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Electra Glide in Blue’: Quotes from the movie ‘Electra Glide in Blue’

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