Movie Quotes from Electric Horseman, The: Quotes from the movie Electric Horseman, The

i don’t know about you but i’m gonna grab me a fifth of tequila one of those keeno girls that could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch
and kinda kick back.

#1-Well I’ve been to the rodeo twice. #2-Did you stay for the rattlesnake round up? #1-Yes, I stayed right till the end, I saw the whole thing! #2-They don’t have one, how are you suppose to round up a rattlesnake?

-I’m just trying to be pleasant. You get so worked up about everything.
-What have I got to be worked up about? I’ve only got a stolen horse.
Everybody except the Coast Guard is after me. I’ve got nothin’ but miles of open country to cross. And now I’m carrying a crazy woman around wearin’ shoes from Bloomingbirds who thinks she’s seen a rattlesnake round up.

-They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
-I know. I’m the one who said it.

1-She says you take her breath away. 2-Well, that’s not hard to do. She’s all breath anyway.

1/ I’m not used to being dragged out of bed to a secret location in the middle of the night

2/ Well I’m not used to being called a horse thief

1/ What do you call a man who steals horses?

2/ Have you ever seen this horse race?….. I’ve seen him run…. I saw him stumble and fall back and pick himself up….I saw him stretch himself out when he had NOTHING left to give but he found it…. somewhere…. and he won! Lady, that horse is a champion and he has a heart size of a locomotive…. why, he’s got more heart…. and more drive and more *soul* than most people you’ll ever know and they’re hangin’ lights off of him….. they got him trottin’ around on stage with dancin’ girls TADAH! TADAH! TAH!….. they’d have him dressed in short pants and smokin’ a damn cigar if it would sell their damn junk… they got him so tanked up on tranquilizers and bute …. they’re stickin’ him full of needles…. look at the tendon…. it’s all filled up …. he’s shot all full of steriods….makes the horse sterile!!!! and even if they wanted to breed him…..haha!!this is so damn funny….. even IF they WANTED to breed him… even if they WANTED to pass on some of those fine qualities….they couldn’t!!!…. to say nothing of what the horse itself is missing…….. so I took him!!!

A champ’s way to start a better day.

AMPCO Industries…Rising Star.

did you stay for the rattlesnake roundup?

I keep wanting to thank you, but then I keep wondering what for.

I only got a stole horse….. thousands of miles of open country to cross….. everyone but the coastguard is after me….. and now i got a crazy woman who wears shoes from Bloomingbirds who think she’s seen a rattlesnake roundup……….

I was givin mouth to mouth to a bottle of tequila…almost saved her too.

I was giving mouth to mouth to a bottle of tequila…but we lost her!

If you want information, go to the library.

Okay, I resspect your position. I don’t understand it, but I respect
it. A lot of famous people hated publicity. Albert Schweitzer. Franco…Albert Schweitzer.

When this is over, get rid of him.

Where? Have a safe trip back miss.

You ride off with somebody else’s twelve million dollar horse, did you
think we wouldn’t notice?

You’re just walking around to save funeral expenses.

You’re living better than fat oil barons.

Your horse is stoned.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Electric Horseman, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Electric Horseman, The’

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