Movie Quotes from Down To Earth: Quotes from the movie Down To Earth

1) You know you’re coat’s bleeding, right? 2) Mind ya business.

1.)Give me your wallet 2.)Hold on… are you sure I won’t die for another 40 years? 3.) Well, technically yes.. bu.. 4.)come here, you wanna rob me (chases after the robber)

But the first kiss..the first kiss is like double’re like when do i get it, when do i get it, when do i get it..ooOWWw he kissed me,he kissed me he kissed mE!!!!

From now on, we need to make a new slogan. If you get shot in the head, you get a bed. If your head is bloody, we’re your buddy.

FUR IS MURDER! FUR IS MURDER! Aw, hell I’m gon show ya murder!

I got a body, I got a body

I just wanna feed you

I’ve had this dream before, pac in here?

If you’re good looking, you’re gonna succeed through life. If you’re ugly, you better pick up a book.

if your head is bloody, we’re your buddy, shot in the head you got a bed

Joe, that was the shiznit son…[[tuned out for a while]] and we on the road

My dad was so cheap that when we went to bed, he’d unplug the clocks. ‘You can’t tell time when you asleep!’

one more face lift and that bitch be farting out her nose

Should we kill her dog? Does she have a dog? We could get her a dog, then kill it.

Shutup boy before I crush you with my wallet!

Thank you Wanda, who the hell she think she is the fridged stuck up bitch, you really want to thank me get that cheap ass husband of yours to pay me a descint wadge. One more face lift and that bitch will be far down her nose.

That guy punched me like i owed him child support

Tiga tiga tiga Tiger Woods, yo!

we know who you are you cheap bastard

We’re goin’ in there. If you can walk, let’s walk. If you can’t walk, it’s time to roll. If you have crutches, then crutch your ass over there!

What a coat I just payed for..hell i wore that coat all summer..eveyrone was wearing bathing suits on the 4th of july i was wearing my gosse down…sweat pouring down

What’s God like? I don’t know, but the devil’s got some good weed!

you know what I got here, I got yo freedom

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Down To Earth’: Quotes from the movie ‘Down To Earth’

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