Daily Quick Break: April 12, 2008: Funniest sayings and witty quotes 8: more humorous sayings and silly or witty quotes

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Here are some more humorous sayings and silly or witty quotes

Religion cannot be without morality, but morality may arrive without religion.

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF, all of my base are belong to you.

Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

Save water – take a bath with your neighbor’s daughter.

Send lawyers, guns and money!

Sex is like air; it’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.

Sex on tv can’t hurt unless you fall off.

Sleep: a completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

To read the rest, go to: Funniest sayings and witty quotes 8: more humorous sayings and silly or witty quotes

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