Bush Reacts to House Vote to Impeach Cheney

Bush opposed to impeaching Cheney “You and I are a civilized nation. We shouldn’t  throw peaches at anyone.

President George W. Bush today commented on the impending House vote to impeach Cheney, brought to the floor by Dennis Kucinich.  A Washington Post reporter asked President Bush “Mr. President, what do you think about Kucinich bringing to the floor House Resolution 333, the impeachment of your Vice President Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors?”

Bush responded to the reporter, “I have been shocked and disappointed that there is even a discussion about such a thing in these 52 great states of America- I mean 50 states. 52 cards in a deck, right? And 50 states. Plus the joker of course. Sometimes 2 jokers. But your question wasn’t about 2 jokers. It was about what me, the President of the U.S., think about impeaching my V.P., Cheney. Let me simply say this.  He should NOT be impeached. We are a civilized nation. We shouldn’t throw peaches at anyone! Not only is that torture and inhumane, it would cause a peach shortage, which could lead to increases in beach prices- peach prices-  for the American people, something of which our administration will not stand for sitting down.”

(c) 2007  InnocentEnglish Scoop

Page topic: George W. Bush comments on House Resolution 333, to impeach Vice President Cheney.

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