Movie Quotes from What a Girl Wants: Quotes from the movie What a Girl Wants

(In the extras on the dvd)
I’m peach, she’s pear. You see, our mother was slightly obsessed with fruits. I have a brother, pineapple.

1: Oh put a cork in it Clarissa.
2: Maybe someone should’ve put a cork in it seventeen years ago.

1.Darling, darling, all I’m saying is before we let this hypothetical daughter blow your political career out of the water, we might at least consider doing some checking up on her. 2.Now, checking up for what? 1.I don’t know… criminal record, blood type, triple sixes on her skull. 2.Glynnis, she has a birth certificate, she has my photograph and she has my eyes.

1.Now Daphne, we don’t want to make a scene now, do we? 2.Take your hand off my daughter or you won’t get a scene, you’ll get a Broadway Musical!

1.That would be the University of the undecided. 2.Is that in Ohio? 1.Yeah, Undecided, Ohio.

1.You like Co-co Puffs? 2.Dude, it’s chocolate! Need I say more?


Darling, Darling. Are you hallucinating, darling?

I hope you find you sleeping arrangements conducive to a goodnight’s sleep.

I just saw an impossibly large bird fall off that wall.

No hugging dear. I’m British, we only show affection to dogs and horses.

No to the fruitcake then.

That girl is totally barbaric!

And your? Eloping? I know it’s fast, but after last night….

Annoying girl: So what college are you going to? Daphne: The University of the Undiecided. Annoying girl: Is that in Ohio. Daphne: Yah! Undiecided, Ohio.

Daphne(to her mother):Are you actually wearing a bra?

daphne: (at end of movie) the truth is sometimes things aren’t exactly what you always imagined… they’re even better

daphne: i better go. everyone’s just waiting for me to mess up again. ian: what? like kissing a guy who parks cars?

Daphne: It doesn’t sound pleasant. (Henry walks out) Daphne: It’s just Henna!

Dont follow in those glorious traditions you know what you’ll be sacraficing…your heart

Dont let him in im not even cute yet

Dont listen to that silly little twit

Everybody’s rooting for you to fail. That’s what makes it fun. – Lady Dashwood

Favorite band of the 70’s. Please dont’ say the Beegees

Forgive me if i dont give a flying fart in space…

g-so where are you going to collage?
d-that would be the collage of the undecieded
g-is that in ohio?
d-ya undecieded ohio

Glynnis: daphne darling let’s not make a scene.
Libby: take your hand off my daughter or you won’t get a scene you’ll get a broadway musical.

glynnis: where did you find that wretched song? henry: james brown, 1976

henry: and you’re…
ian: eloping together? yes. i know it’s quite sudden, but after last night, well there really is no turning back.
henry: …you’re joking.
ian: yes sir.

Henry: You like Cocoa Puffs? Daphne: There’s chocolate, need I say more?

Henry:I’m not explaining it very well at all am I
Daph:No not really but, I’m having fun watching you try!

holy poo on toast

I dont give a flying fart in space what you think!

I love you a million red M&M’s

i love you more than words can say adn forever you shall be in my heart.

i love you more than words can say an dyou shall alway sbe in my heart

Ian: looking for me?
Daphne: oh no i was just looking for the loo.
Ian: outside…on the terrace…hmm

it’s ok duckie

Ive been getting dressed up each year wishing that you would come and now here i am in the most beautiful dress i can imagine and all i wish for now is just to be me

james borown 1976 charted out at number 46 .i have no idea where that came from

Just call me when Daphne reinhabbits your body

libby: i love you a million swedish fish. daphne: i love you a million red m&m’s.

Lord Dashwood: What it comes down to is that I Love you.. and i wouldnt change one thing about you, not a hair on ur head…
Daphne: I love you dad!

No hugs,Im british , and we only show affection to dogs and horses

rich,Cambridge guy: you can dump tea in my harbor anytime. to Daph

Strange how easy it comes….worrying

sweet dreams is all it takes

Take your hand off my daughter or you wont be getting a scene you will be getting a broadway musical.


why are you trying so hard to fit in
when you were born to stand out

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out

Why are you trying so hard to fit in…when you were born to STAND OUT

you can dump that ship in my harbor anyday

you keep trying to fit in when you were made to stand out

you scared the begeezes out of me

You’re designer, I’m vintage, you’ve got a mansion and I have a five floor walk up, you’re snotty little miss cranky pants and I go with the flow, so why would you think that I’d ever have the same taste in guys?!

You’ve seen Cinderella haven’t you? Let me clue you in. I WIN!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘What a Girl Wants’: Quotes from the movie ‘What a Girl Wants’

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