Movie Quotes from We Were Soldiers: Quotes from the movie We Were Soldiers

-Daddy, what’s a war?
-Well, a war is when people hurt other people, and people like Daddy
try to stop them.

-He say he deserter.
-Bullshit! He’s a lookout.

-I can hear you laughing, you know.
-I’m not laughing. I’m marveling.
-At what?
-That you can find stubbornness in your children and think it comes from anywhere but you.

-I can’t see a thing, but I can smell them.
-Dead bodies smell, Bungum.

-I’ll never forgive myself- For what, Sir? -That my men… that my men died and I didn’t-

-Look around you. In the 7th Calvary, we got a captain from the Ukraine. Another from Puerto Rico. We’ve got Japanese and Chinese. Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indians. Jews and gentiles. All Americans. Now, here in the states, some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all of that is gone. We’re moving into the Valley of the Shadow of Death where you will watch the back of the man next to you as he will watch yours, and you won’t care what color he is or by what name he calls God. They say we’re leaving home. We’re going to what home was always supposed to be, so let us understand the situation. We are going into battle, against a tough and determined enemy. I can’t promise you that I’ll bring you all home alive, but this I swear- that when we go into battle, I’ll be the first to set foot on the field, and I’ll be the last to step off, and I will leave no one behind, dead or alive. We will all come home together. So help me God.-

-Our Father in Heaven, as we go into battle, every soldier among us will approach you each in his own way, our enemies too, according to their own understanding and will ask for protection and victory, and so we bow before your infinite wisdom. We offer our prayers as best we can. Yes, and one more thing, dear Lord. About our enemies– ignore their heathen prayers and help us blow those little bastards straight to hell. Amen.-

-Well, you have to, Joe. You tell the American people what happened here. You tell them how my troopers died.
-Yes, sir.

-When you from, son?
-Refugia, Texas, sir.
-Well, that’s the first thing I’ve heard today that makes any sense.

-You can’t take any pictures from down there, son.
-I’m a non-combatant.
-Ain’t no such thing today.

1)Beautiful morning, Sergeant!
2)What are you a fucking weatherman now?

1. All right, your officer’s dead, what do you do? 2. First- 1. All right, HE hesitated, HE’S dead! What do you do? 3. GET OFF THE CHOPPER!

1.) Good morning Sergeant Major. 2.) How the Hell do you know what kind of God damn day this is going to be.

1.) A beautiful day Sergeant Major. 2.) What are you a fuckin’ weatherman now?

A French army, what’s that?

Anyone of you sons of bitches calls me grandpa, I’ll kill ya


broken arroa

Children! Your daddy’s home!

Col:You think it’s about time to get yourself an M-16 Sgt. Major? SgtMaj: Sir, I figured when it comes down to that they’ll be plenty lying around.

Colonel, may I ask you a question? -Sure- What do you think about being a soldier and a father? -I hope that being good at the one makes me better at the other-

Colonel, what’s the situation down there?

Custer was a pussy!

For we were soldiers once, and young

G’mornin Sgt Major
How the hell you know what kind of god damn day it is?
Beautiful mornin Sgt major
What are you the fuckin weather man now?

G’Morning Sgt Major.
How the hell do you know what kind of god damn day it is?~Sgt.Maj.Plumely
Beautiful Mornin Sgt Major.
What are you, the fucking weather man now?~Sgt.Maj.Plumely

Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!

Hastings! Broken arrow!…Broken arrow. I say again, broken arrow! Broken arrow!…Confirmed broken arrow!…Broken arrow confirmed…Broken arrow?…It means that an American unit has been overrun. It calls in every combat aircraft for support…My god, there’s no hiding it now.

He died keeping my promise.

I have no words to express to you the saddness and the grief at the loss of your husband. The world is a lesser place without him but, I know that he is with God and the angels and that heaven is improved by his presence there. I know you too are sure of this an dyet this knowledge cannot help to dimminish her his loss

I hope you boys like training, cause the Sergeant Major and I … We love it.

I wonder what was going through Custer’s mind when he realized that he’d led his men into a slaughter?

i)Hey! Have you got enough room for one more?
ii)If you’re crazy enough, get in!

i)I don’t know how to tell this story, Sir
ii)Well, you got to Joe, you tell the American people what these men did here….You tell them how my Troopers died.
i)Yes, Sir.

It’s getting pretty sporty down here, sir!

Lt Herrick: I’m glad i could die for my country..

LYNDON JOHNSON: We intend to convince the Communists that we cannot be defeated by any force or arms. I have asked General Westmoreland what more he needs to meet this mounting aggression. He has told me, and we will meet his needs. I have today ordered to Vietnam the Airmobile Division and other units, raising our fighting force from 75,000 to 125,000 men almost immediately. Additional forces will be needed later.

Men will die.

Moore and Geoghegan a prayer before leaving for Vietnam.]
Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: Our Father in Heaven, before we go into battle, every soldier among us will approach you each in his own way. Our enemies too, according to their own understanding, will ask for protection and for victory. And so, we bow before your infinite wisdom. We offer our prayers as best we can. I pray you watch over the young Jack Geoghegan. That I lead into battle. You use me as your instrument in this awful hell of war to watch over them. Especially if they’re men like this one beside me, deserving of a future in your blessing and goodwill. Amen.
2nd Lieutenant Jack Geoghegan: Amen.
Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: Oh, yes, and one more thing, dear Lord, about our enemies, ignore their heathen prayers and help us blow those little bastards straight to Hell. Amen.

Now I know how Custer felt like

Sir, Custer was a pussy

Now Thats a nice day Sergant Savage

Our Father in Heaven, as we go into battle, every soldier among us will approach you each in his own way, our enemies too, according to their own understanding and will ask for protection and victory, and so we bow before your infinite wisdom. We offer our prayers as best we can. Yes, and one more thing, dear Lord. About our enemies– ignore their heathen prayers and help us blow those little bastards straight to hell. Amen.-

Our guys are being killed, sir. You gotta get us in there!

Perhaps i should start at the beginning..

Sgt ernie savage: Bring it in close sir! they’re right on top of us!

sgt Savage: beautiful day, sgt major!
sgt major Plumley: what are you, the fucking weather man now?

[Plumley saves Savage’s lost Platoon]
Sgt major plumley: theres your nice day sgt savage..

Sgt Savage: Sir, request to return to the front line
Col. Moore: permission granted, son
Specialist Bungum: carry on sir.

Sir, Custer was a pussy.

Sir, Custer was a pussy. You ain’t.

Sir, I don’t know how to tell this story.

Sir. custer was a pussy. you aint

Some had families waiting for them. For others, their only family would be the men they bled beside. There were no bands, no flags, no honor guards to welcome them home. They went to war because their country ordered them to, but in the end, they fought not for their country or their flag. They fought for each other

Some had families wating,
For others, the only family will be the men they bled beside.
There were no bands, no flags, no honor guards to welcome
them home.
They went to war because their country ordered them to.
But in the end they fought not for their country or their flag;
They fought for each other.

The French Army?….What’s that?

These are the true events of November, 1965, in the Ia Drang Valley of Vietnam– a place our country does not remember, in a war it does not understand. This story’s a testament to the young Americans who died in the Valley of Death and the Peoples Army of Vietnam who died by our hand in that place.

They attack us…No casualties. They retreat into the mountains and,
natually, we follow them. Smell like an ambush to you?

They went to war because their country ordered them to. But in the end, they fought not for their country, nor their flag…..They fought for each other

They’re not lost. They’re just cut off and surrounded.

We are going into battle, and I don’t know if you’ll come home alive, but this I swear!: Before you and before almighty God I will be the first to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off, and i will leave no one behind, dead or alive!—We Will all come home together!–So help me God!

We helped build a school for orphans. I know God has a plan for me. I just hope it’s to protect orphans, not make any.

We who have seen war will never stop seeing [it].
In the silence of the night we will always hear the screams.
So this is our story,
For we were Soldiers once, and young.

we will ride into battle and this will be our horse.


When we go into battle, I will be the first to set foot on the field and I will be the last to step off. And I will leave no one behind.
Dead or alive we will all come home together, so help me God.

You want to know how Custer felt? Why don’t you ask him?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘We Were Soldiers’: Quotes from the movie ‘We Were Soldiers’

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