Movie Quotes from Velvet Goldmine: Quotes from the movie Velvet Goldmine

*He was elegance walking arm in arm with a lie*

1)So naturally, you want me because I’m the resident brit, right? 2)No, I want you because you remember.

A real artist creates beautiful things and puts nothing of his own life into them, okay?

According to legend, when Kurt was 13 he was discovered in the family loo at the service of his older brother, and was promptly sent off for eighteen months of electric shock treatment. It was guaranteed the treatment would fry the fairy clean out of him, but all it did was make him go bonkers whenever he heard an electric guitar.

Brian Slade: I should think that if people were to get the wrong impression of me, the one to which you so eloquently refer, it wouldn’t be the wrong impression in the slightest.

Bryan is a grown man. Perfectly able to shag whatever he wants.

Curt: We set out to change the world… ended up just changing ourselves.
Arthur: What’s wrong with that?
Curt: Nothing, if you don’t look at the world.

Fine then. Go! Leave! Back to your wolves, your junkie twerps and shock therapy! And fuck you too!

he called it a freedom, freedom you can allow yourself, somtimes

He’s one of them pansy rockers.

I like boys, I like girls. They’re all great. There’s no difference, is there? Mr. BBC

It’s funny how beautiful people look when they’re walking out the door …

It’s only now, looking back, that I see how you patched through my walls, and entered my life, in waves.

Make a wish/and see yourself/onstage/inside out/a tangle of garlands in your hair/of course you were pleasantly surprised/softly he said…’I will mangle your mind.’

Mandy: Now, just because someone sees, you know, two naked people asleep in bed together, it doesn’t necessarily prove sex was involved. It does, however, make for a very strong case.

Nothing makes one so vain as being told one is a sinner.

quite soon we acctually plan to take over the world

Rock and roll is prostitute. She needs to be tarted up. Performed.

Simle Lies

Slade: Like a peppermint, eaten away.. will I fight, will I swagger or sway.

The first duty in life is to assume a pose. What the second duty is, no one has yet found out.

The last I heard from god above was the slap on my ass from a lipstick kissed elbow glove.

The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history. – Curt Wild

The world is changed cuz you’re made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history

Today, there’d be fighting in the streets. But in 1972, it was more like dancing.

Yeah I like girls and I like boys. There isn’t really much of a difference is there? (pause) Mr. BBC. *smile*

You just can’t fake being gay, ya know, if you’re gonna.. claim that you’re gay you’re gonna have ta.. make-love in gay style and.. half these kids just aren’t gonna make it. And that line, ‘Everyone’s bisexual’ it’s a very popular thing to say right now, personally, I think it’s meaningless

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Velvet Goldmine’: Quotes from the movie ‘Velvet Goldmine’

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