Movie Quotes from Twin Sitters: Quotes from the movie Twin Sitters

David: Hey Junior, maybe you should lay off of the growth hormone. Junior: (in high pitched voice) Why?

Don’t worry Mother, I’ll buy you another!

Hey Brad, I hope you have a license to sell hotdogs, because your fly is open.

Leon, Leon, look at their necks. Their necks are out of proportion with the rest of their bodys. Why don’t you exercise your minds. Our minds are not a muscle, it is an orgin and it is a good thing because our heads will be so huge we will fall over

Leon, Leon, their necks are out of proportion with the rest of their bodies. Why don’t you exercise you minds? Our minds are not a muscle, it is an organ. It is a good thing because our heads will be so huge we will fall over.

Man! Even their car is on steroids!

thinks moma

Yo, Peter Peter pumpkin eater here.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Twin Sitters’: Quotes from the movie ‘Twin Sitters’

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