Movie Quotes from Specialist, The: Quotes from the movie Specialist, The

Fuck you ray, fuck you!!!!, your bombs ray your bombs that killed not mine!!, how many? 15, 20 a hundred before ya lost count

Fuck you ray, fuck you!!!!, your bombs ray your bombs that killed not mine!!, how many? 15, 20 a hundred before ya lost count!!!

Good, nice sense of irony, blowing up the bomb unit.

I heard that you control your explosions, that you…shape your charges…

Love is the thing.


Shower me with love.

Slip away.

That’s the story of my life.

Turn the beat around.

You may ask yourself, why is it my turn to die? Ask God, he kills all the time.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Specialist, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Specialist, The’

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