Movie Quotes from Shamus: Quotes from the movie Shamus

–Colonel Hardcore?
–That was the last real war. Now, what can I do for you, my boy?
–Well, I represent a…
–Well, you saw action, did you? Which theater?
–Korea. Airborne.

–I have hired me a detective who doesn’t work on Sunday.
–I’m a very religious person.

–Oh, morning.
–Hi. You want some coffee with crean and sugar?
–Do you have any saccharine?
–I don’t even have any cream and sugar.

–Why me? There are a lot of other very high class detectives around. Why would you pick me?
–You were not the first idea that came to mind.
–The second, huh?
–The fifty-third.

–You think you can buy me?
–I’ll give $10,000 to come up with the killer or the diamonds. $5000 now, $5000 more on delivery.
–You just bought me.

Find Pappas’ killer and you’ll find the diamonds.

Georgie used to say: ‘When I die, I’ll go to Heaven. Because I’ve already been to Hell.’

I was just telling Angie that we figure it’s somebody in the service tied up into the Pappas killing. No one else could get near a flamethrower.

I was with old Georgie Patton himself in the Third Army.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Shamus’: Quotes from the movie ‘Shamus’

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