Movie Quotes from Seven Days in May: Quotes from the movie Seven Days in May

1) I asked you a question – do you know who Judas was?!?
2) Yes, I know who Judas was – he was a man I worked for and admired until he disgraced the four stars on his uniform.

1) You got something against the English language, Colonel?
2) No, sir.
1) Then speak it plainly, if you will.
2) I’m suggesting, Mr. President, there’s a military plot to take over the government. This may occur some time this coming Sunday.

1)You make me think that fruit salad on your chest is for neutrality, evasiveness, and fence-straddling.
2) On the contrary, Senator, they’re standard awards for cocktail courage and dinner-table heroism. I thought you’d invented them.

As a military officer, I stand clear of politics.

Do you rent space in that thing?

ECOMCOM and horse racing? What the hell’s going on here?

I only bet on sure things.

I remember what Harry Truman said one day inside this room: ‘Inside this room, the buck stops.’

I think it’s time we faced the enemy, Mr. President.

I’ll make you two promises: A very good steak, medium rare. And the truth, which is very rare.

If it isn’t my favorite jarhead himself, Jiggs Casey.

Instead of my blood pressure, Horace should worry about my sanity.

My doctor worries about my blood pressure.

The treaty isn’t viewed very favorably. Neither are income taxes, but we pay them.

This country’s in trouble. Deep trouble.

Trimmer is a very political dog. He doesn’t have many principles, but he’s loyal to his friends.

Well, take care of him, Jiggs. See that he rests on the seventh day.

You’re a night crawler, Colonel. A peddler. You sell information.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Seven Days in May’: Quotes from the movie ‘Seven Days in May’

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