Movie Quotes from Scent of a Woman: Quotes from the movie Scent of a Woman

(Charlie)Colonel…are you looking at me? (colonel)I’m blind Charlie!

(Freddy)I’m known from coast to coast like butter and toast!

(George)Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that?

(Slade)I’m givin’ you pearls here.

(Slade)What do your parents do in Oregon? (Charlie)They run a convenience store. (Slade)How convenient!

(Slade)You got me all misty-eyed!

+The Quartermaster must be on the take. Inventory the Bar. I want wall to wall Jack Walker.
*Don’t you mean Johnny Walker.
+Not when you’ve know him as long as I have.

-Tell him I want it wall to wall with John Daniels.
-Uh, don’t you mean, uh, Jack Daniels?
-He may be Jack to you, son. But when you’ve known him as long as I have…

1)Haven’t you heard? Conscience is dead.
2)No sir, I haven’t.
1)Well then take the fuckin’ WAX out of your ears! Grow up! It’s fuck your buddy, cheat on your wife, call your mother on Mother’s Day….Charlie, it’s all shit.

1)No, I’m right — I’m right here.
2)I know exactly where your body is. What I’m looking for is some indication of a brain. Too much football without a helmet? Hah! Lyndon’s line on Gerry Ford. Deputy debriefer, Paris, peace talks, ’68. Snagged a silver star and a silver bar. Threw me into G-2.
2)Intelligence. Of which you have none.

1.You can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I’ve ever seen. 2.You’ve never seen anyone do either.

1/ but not a snitch!!!
2/ excuse me?
1/ no I dont think I will, Mr Trask….. this is such a crock of shit!!!!!
2/ Please watch your language, Mr Slade…. you are the Baird School not a barracks…….. Mr Simms I will give you one final opputunity…
1/ Mr Simms doesn’t want it….. doesn’t need to be labelled *worthy of being a Baird man* …..What the hell is that??? What is your motto here? ……boys…. inform on your class mates…… save your hide…. nothing short of that were gonna burn you at the stake?!?!?!?!? Well gentlemen!!…….. when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay here like Charlie facing the fire and there’s George hiding in big daddys pocket and what are you doing? You’re gonna reward George and destroy Charlie…..
2/ Are you finished Mr Slade?
Im just gettin warmed up!!!!!! I dunno who went to this place…… William Howard Taft….. William Jennings Bryant….. William Tell whoever…… there spirit is dead if they ever had one…… its gone, your building a rat ship here……. a vessel for sea going snitches and if you think you’re preparing these minnows for manhood…. you better think again because I say you are killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills…… what a sham!!!!!!! what kind of a show are you guys putting on today?! I mean the only class in this act is sitting next to me and I’m here to tell you, this boys soul is intact…… it’s non negotiable……. know how I know?! ….. someone here and Im not gonna say who, offered to buy it, only Charlie here wasn’t selling….
2/ Sir you’re out of order!!!!
1/ Out of order?!!!! Ill show you *out of order*!!!!!! you don’t know what out of order is, Mr Trask….. I’d show you but I’m too old…… I’m too tired….. too fuckin’ blind …….if I were the man I was five years ago I’d take a flamethrower to this place!!!!!! Out of order?!?!? Who the hell you think you’re talkin to?!!….. I’ve been around, you know..

>I want wall to wall T-Bird.
*Don’t you mean Thunderbird.
>Not when you’ve known him as long as I have.

Another sucker who thinks this shitheel is a war hero. Well, once maybe… but that was before he blew himself up.

But he’s not a snitch.

but not a snitch!!! excuse me? no i dont think i will mr slade this is such a crock of shit , please watch your language mr slade you are i a baird school not a barrocks ,mr simms i will give you one final opputunity, mr simms doesnt want it h doest need to be labeled till worthy of bein a baird man wat the hell is dat wat is ur motto here? boys inform on ur class mates save ur hide nething short of that were gonna burn you at the stake? well gentlemen!! wen the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay heres charlie facin the fire and theres george hidin in big daddys pocket and wat r u doin? ur gonna reward george and destroy charlie are you fiished mr slade? no im jus gettin warmed up i dunno who went to this place william howard taft william jennings bryant william tell whoever there spirit is dead if they ever had one its gone, ur buildin a rat ship here a vessel for sea goin snitches and if you think your preparin theese minnows for manhood you beter think again because i say you are killin the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills what a sham what kind of a show are you guys puttin on today? i mean the only class in thi act is sitti next to me and im here to tell you this boys soul is intact its non negotiable know how i know somene here and im nt gonna say who offered to buy it only charlie here wasnt selin sir your out o order , out of order?ill show you out of order you dont know what out of order is mr trask id show you but im to old im to tired im to fuckin blind if i were da man i was five years ago id take a flamethrower to this place!! out of order who the hell you think your talkin to? ive been around you know there was a time i could see and i have seen boys like theese younger than theese their arms torn out there legs ripped off but there is othin like the site of an amputated spirit there is no presthitec for that you think your merely sendin this splendid foot soldier back to oregon with his tail between his legs but i say

Can’t believe they’re my blood. I.Q. of sloths and the manners of banshees. He’s a mechanic, she’s a homemaker. He knows as much about cars as a beauty queen, and she bakes cookies that taste like wing nuts. As for the tots, they’re twits.

Can’t believe they’re my blood. I.Q. of sloths and the manners of banshees. He’s a mechanic, she’s a homemaker. He knows as much about cars as a beauty queen, and she bakes cookies, taste like wing nuts. As for the tots, they’re twits

Charlie…are you fucking with me?

Don’t shrug, you imbecile, I’m blind! Save the body language for the bimbae.

dont blame me Charlie, I can’t see

fuck your buddy

Haven’t you heard, conscience is dead…..Its fuck your buddy, cheat on your wife, wend your mother a card on mothers day. Charlie, its all shit.

he’s a mechanic, she’s a housewife… he knows as much about cars as a beauty queen, and her cookies tastes like wingnuts

His Dad is going to talk to him for us. (Slade) Watch the US Charly.


I been around, you know. There was a time when I could see, and I have seen boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that. You think you’re merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are executing his soul!

I can tell you this. He won’t sell anybody out to buy his future. And that my friends is called integrity. That’s called courage. NOw that’s the stuff leaders should be made off.

I don’t know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryan, William Tell, whoever, their spirit is dead, if they ever had one.

I don’t like darkness. Darkness makes my tummy hurt…

I’m just gettin’ warmed up.

I’ve got a loaded 45…… got pimples.

If I was the same man I was five years ago I’d take a FLAME THROWER to this place!

If I were the man I was ten years ago I’d take a flamethrower to this place!!

If you get tangled up, just tango on.

just because I can’t see women,doesn’t mean I can’t see women

Karen’s number tastes like Albany

Leave him out he’s chasing that damn calico bitch from the track house again.

Legs, I don’t care if they’re Greek columns or second hand steinways. It’s what’s between them, passport to heaven.
I Guess you really love women?
Above all things, a verrrry distant second is a Ferrari.

Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was…without exception i knew, but i never took it. You know why? It was too damn hard.

Now I’m just getting warmed up…

Oh, uh, Charlie – about your little problem – there are two kinds of people in this world: those who stand up and face the music, and those who run for cover. Cover is better

Remember; when in doubt, Fuck.

She’s a homemaker, he’s a mechanic.
He knows about cars about as much as a beauty queen.
She bakes cookies that taste like wing nuts.
As for the tots, their twits. IQ’s of sloths, and the manners on banchieves.

So do it, pull the trigger you…miserable blind motherf**ker!!!

Some people live a lifetime in a minute.

The Quartermaster must be on the take. Inventory the Bar. I want wall to wall John Daniels.-Don’t you mean JACK Daniels.-Not when you’ve know him as long as I have.

There are two kinds of people in this world, Charlie. The first group is the people that face the music; the second group are those who run for cover. Cover is better.

Tickets, money, speech.
That’s a joke son, from my days with Lindon.


Too many men for better than u have executed that courtisy and if u smart u wont try it again

We got a body … look’n for a brain.

Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the man, some guys run and some guys stay. Here’s Charlie, facing the fire, and there’s George, hiding in big Daddy’s pocket. And what are you gonna do? You’re gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie.

Well, I’m in the amazing business…

What do you think big george is going to think of little George seeing no evil?
We’re not going to tell our paretns. George isn’t going to tell his father, damn decent of him.
Oh Charlie, big George is going to wind up little George and little George is going to sing like a canary.

What life?! I got no life! I’m in the dark here! I’m in, I’m in the dark!

What the problem Charly? It feels real heavy in here. Like you’re carrieing the weight of the world on you’re sholders.

What’s the matter my dear, you sound a little dusky. Glass of wine with you lunch?
Some kind of body has to go with that bedroom voice. One of these days I’m going to swing around and get a better look at it.

when in doubt, fuck.

When in doubt– Fuck

Who is that? Is that the littel split tail?

Women! What could you say? Who made ’em? God must have been a fuckin’ genious. They say the hair is everything. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips. And when they touched yours were like the first swallow of wine after you just crossed the desert. Tits! Hoo-ahh! Big ones, little ones. Nipples, starin’ right out at you. Like secret searchlights. Legs. I don’t care if they’re greek columns or secondhand Steinways, what’s between ’em — passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr. Sims, there’s only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing — pussy. Are you listening to me, son, I’m giving you pearls here.

Women. What could you say? Who made ’em? God must’ve been a fucking genius.

You are in no position to disagree. I’ve got a loaded .45; you got pimples.

You don’t know what outta order is Mr. Trask. I’d show you but I’m too old, I’m too tired, I’m too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I’d take a flamethrower to this place!

You dont have to wory Colonel shes the creme de le creme.

You may think you are sended Charlie here back to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are executed his soul!

You see the sence of it (suicide) don’t you? I can’t chew the leather any more, so why should I share in the tribes provisions?

You see the sence of it (suicide) don’t you? I cant’t chew the leather any more, so why should I share in the tribes provisions?

You see the sence of it (suicide) don’t you? I cant’t chew the Polyester any more, so why should I share in all the crap Wal-Mart imports from China?

You sharp-shooting me, punk? Is that what you’re doing? Don’t sharp-shoot me. You’ll give me forty, then you’re gonna give me forty more. Then you’re gonna pull KP. The grease pit! I’ll rub your nose in enlisted men’s CRUD ’till you don’t know which end is up! You understand???

You want to know the truth? The truth is, he was an asshole before. Now he’s just a blind asshole. I guess God doesn’t think that some people deserve to see.

You’re not bad. You’re just in pain.

Your father pedals car telephones at a 300 percent markup. Your mother works on heavy commission at a camera store. Graduated to it from espresso machines. Hah! What are you, dying of some wasting disease?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Scent of a Woman’: Quotes from the movie ‘Scent of a Woman’

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