Movie Quotes from Rear Window: Quotes from the movie Rear Window

-I wish I were creative.
-You are. You’re great at creating difficult situations.

-She wants me to marry her.
-That’s normal.
-I don’t want to.
-That’s abnormal.

-Why does a man leave his house three times on a rainy night and come
back three times?
-Maybe he likes the way his wife welcomes him home.

1. Whats say we go and see what’s in that garden? 2. I’ve always wanted to meet Mrs. Thorwald 3. What, what? 2. Well why not 3. I just don’t want you to end up like that dog, with your neck broken! 1. Yea well I think he has a point.

1. Anything else bothering you? 2. Yes. Who are you?

1. What do you think? 2. Well, uhm… 1. Let me rephrase the question. 2. Thank you. 1. Do you like it? 2. Very much.

1. When will I see you again? 2. Not for a very long time. At least not until tomorrow night.

1. Well, what’s that supposed to be ma’am? 2. It’s called ‘Hunger’.

1.A steal at eleven hundred dollars. 2.Eleven hundred? They ought to list that dress on the stock exchange.

1.Are you interested in solving this case or in making me look foolish? 2.Well, if possible, both. 1.Well then, do a good job of it.

1.Gunderson, how did you ever get to be such a big editor with such a small memory? 2.By thrift, industry, and hard work… and, uh, catching the publisher with his secretary.

1.He killed a dog last night because the dog was scratching around in the garden. You know why? Because he had something buried in that garden that the dog scented. 2.Like an old hambone? 1.I don’t know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife.

1.I get myself half killed for you and you reward me by stealing my assignments. 2.I didn’t ask you to stand in the middle of that automobile racetrack. 1.You asked for a, something dramatically different. You got it. 2.So did you.

1.I just can’t figure it. He went out several times last night in the rain carrying his sample case. 2.Well, he’s a salesman, isn’t he?
1.Well, what would he be selling at three o’clock in the morning? 2.Flashlights. Luminous dials for watches. House numbers that light up.

1.It’s about time you got married, before you turn into a lonesome and bitter old man. 2.Yeah, can’t you just see me, rushing home to a hot apartment to listen to the automatic laundry and the electric dishwasher and the garbage disposal and the nagging wife… 1.Jeff, wives don’t nag anymore. They discuss. 2.Oh, is that so, is that so? Well, maybe in the high-rent district they discuss. In my neighborhood they still nag.

1.Maybe one day she’ll find her happiness. 2.Yeah, some man’ll lose his.

1.Oh, Jeff, if you need any more help, consult the yellow pages in your telephone directory. 2.Oh, I love funny exit lines.

1.She sure is the ‘eat, drink and be merry’ girl. 2.Yeah, she’ll wind up fat, alcoholic and miserable.

1.She’s like a queen bee with her pick of the drones. 2.I’d say she’s doing a woman’s hardest job: juggling wolves.

1.She’s too perfect, she’s too talented, she’s too beautiful, she’s too sophisticated, she’s too everything but what I want. 2.Is, um, what you want something you can discuss?

1.The New York State sentence for a Peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse. 2.Oh, hello, Stella. 1.And they got no windows in the workhouse.

1.Today’s a very special day. 2.It’s just another Wednesday. The calendar’s full of ’em.

1.We’ve become a race of Peeping Toms. What people ought to do is get outside their own house and look in for a change. Yes sir. How’s that for a bit of homespun philosophy? 2.Readers Digest, April 1939.
1.Well, I only quote from the best.

1.Where does a man get inspiration to write a song like that? 2.He gets it from the landlady once a month.

1.Would you fix me a sandwich, please? 2.Yes, I will. And I’ll spread a little common sense on the bread.

I can hear you now: ‘Get out of my life, you wonderful woman. You’re too good for me.’

I’m not much of a snifter.

Jeff, you know if someone came in here, they wouldn’t believe what they’d see? You and me with long faces plunged into despair because we find out a man didn’t kill his wife. We’re two of the most frightening ghouls I’ve ever known.

Look Miss Fremont, that feminine intuituon stuff sells magazines, but in real life it’s still a fairy tale.

Must’ve splattered a lot.

One thing I don’t need is heckling. You called me and asked for help. Now you’re behaving like a taxpayer.

Well, if there’s one thing I know, it’s how to wear the proper clothes.

What do you say we all sit down and have a nice friendly drink too, hmm? Forget all about this. We can tell lies about the good old days during the war.

When I married Miles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits. We are still maladjusted misfits, and we have loved every minute of it.

Why would Thorwald want to kill a little dog? Because it knew too much?

You haven’t spent much time around cemeteries, have you?

You’d have to eat things that you wouldn’t want to look at while they were alive.

You’d think the rain would’ve cooled things down. All it did was make the heat wet.

Every man’s ready to get married when the right girl comes along.

I’m not much on rear window ethics.

Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence.

Jeff, you’ve got a lot to learn about homicide.

Nobody ever invented a polite word for a killing yet.

People do a lot of things in private they couldn’t possibly explain in

Preview of coming attractions – Grace Kelly

Right now I’d welcome trouble.

That may have been a woman, but it wasn’t his wife.

To see you is to love you.

Well, I only quote from the best.


When two people love each other, they come together…WHAM! Like two
taxis on Broadway.

Yeah, she’ll wind up fat, alcoholic and miserable.

You heard of that market crash in ’29? I predicted that.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Rear Window’: Quotes from the movie ‘Rear Window’

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