Movie Quotes from Powderkeg: Quotes from the movie Powderkeg

1/ We are supposed to deliver Paco (Morales), alone and alive, precisely there (on the map), which is 20 miles closer to the border than the stretch of track they’re on now
2/ Uh huh… and in the meantime, what you want Johnny and me to do is to pull 73 passengers off a moving train, in wide open country, without being seen, and if we are seen, they’re all killed, is that the job?
1/ I told you, it can’t be done
2/ Oh now, I didn’t say that

1/ What do you think, Hank, will your plan work?
2/ Oh Billy…. It’s pretty hard to do slight of hand with your fingers crossed, I’ll tell ya!

1/ you were once a man of the people, your name was spoken with admiration, you once rode with Zapata, you stood side by side with him, how do you wish to be remembered? AS you were then or what you do now?
2/And how do you wish to be remembered? With a bullet hole between your eyes?

If thou canst beat them, join them* umm… Johnny Reach 1914

Hank Brackett & Johnny Reach

I lied.

If they ever get organised, I’d hate to have to be the one to deal with ’em

Now you see, amigos, you see… the school boy learned a lesson, a man is a man or he ain’t

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Powderkeg’: Quotes from the movie ‘Powderkeg’

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