Movie Quotes from Necessary Roughness: Quotes from the movie Necessary Roughness

1) Andre does not eat raw meat, because Andre is a vegetarian. 2)Eat whatever the hell you want Andre.

1) Welcome to football, Sweetheart! 2) Welcome to foot, BALL! [kicks him in the groin]

A big whistle!

Andre don’t eat raw meat cuz Andre’s a vegetarian

Boy, you and me gonna party!!

Don’t throw it to stone hands!

Hands are my friends, hands are my friends

He’s was dropped down at the 20, but he hydro-planed all the way to the 15.

HEAD COACH: Keep your eyes on the ball,son!
AST COACH: And while you’re at it, keep your HANDS on the ball too!

Head Coach: Okay, show us the arm, son.
Ast. Coach: Throw the ball, genius.

Hey man, why don’t you go bang a kangaroo!!

I hope he gets younger as he gets closer

I know we’re playing the #1 team in the state of Texas and I don’t want to put any undo pressure on you, but Coach Geniero’s last words to me were Win or I’ll Die!

I know we’re playing the #1 team in the state of Texas and I don’t want to put any undo pressure on you, but Coach Geniero’s last words to me were Win…or I’ll Die!

I want you hittin’ the sleds, not humpin’ butterflies!

If you think you can build an offense around a guy who throws like Edward Scissorhands then we’re going to play a hell of a lot of defense.

Let’s see the arm, kid! (flexes his bicep) Throw the ball, genius!

Manu: Where I am from Mr. Blake, we are taught to respect our elders. Paul: Yeah well, I’m not that ELD!

Manu: Where I come from Mr. Blake, we are taught to respect our elders. Paul: Yeah well, I’m not that ELD!

Now it’s time for our halftime show where our marching band does it’s tribute to gun racks and open beer cans, which is only legal in Texas.

Rotten play! Don’t run that again!

So, we’re losing 21-0. But you know what? I think we got a shot to win. If, as Coach Geniero said we develop a cohesive offensive strategy.

This here, this here’s my throwing hand (punch, punch)

You must show us some respect!

You tear off their fuckin’ heads and you shit down their necks. Let us pray.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Necessary Roughness’: Quotes from the movie ‘Necessary Roughness’

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