Movie Quotes from Mighty Aphrodite: Quotes from the movie Mighty Aphrodite

-I got a tick.
-A tick…big deal.
-No, for you it wasn’t a big deal, but for me, I looked down and I had a black thing living in my leg!

1) I can’t believe you’re a coward.
2) Only in actuality.

1)Don’t be such a Cassandra! 2) I am Cassandra!

Curiosity, that’s what kills us. Not muggers or all that bullshit about the ozone layer. It’s our own hearts and minds.

Curiosity…that’s what kills us. Not muggers or all that bullshit about the ozone layer.

Hey coach! This is right and this is left? Right?

I know… Sugar ray Weinrib!

I see diaster. I see catastrophe. Worse, I see lawyers!

Max: Who’s the boss between you and mommy?
Lenny: Who’s the boss? You have to ask that? I’m the boss. Mommy is only the decision-maker.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Mighty Aphrodite’: Quotes from the movie ‘Mighty Aphrodite’

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