Movie Quotes from Man with Two Brains, The: Quotes from the movie Man with Two Brains, The

(1)As you know, my research has advanced to a point where I can put her mind into the body of a gorilla.
(2)I couldn’t fuck a gorilla.

(1)I can’t.
(2)Can’t what?
(1)I can’t inject you window cleaner.
(2)I don’t mind. Hey, what does it do anyway?
(1)It causes your brain to die last.
(2)I don’t mind.

(1)I wanted to inform the Doctor of her passing.
(2)Passing what?

(1)The only time we doctors should accept death is when it’s caused by our own incompetence!
(2)Nonsense! If the murder of twelve innocent people can help save one human life, it will have been worth it.

(1)Well, Dr. Beckerman was murdered in Europe – you know that.
(2)Exactly! Not only is he dead, he’s six thousand miles away.

(1)Were you interested in science as a child?
(2)I don’t know if I was interested so much in the science as I was in the slime that goes along with it. Snakes and frogs. When I saw how slimy the human brain was, I knew that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

(1)You are playing God!
(2)Somebody has to!

–Can I get you anything more, Doctor? I’m about to retire.
–Really? You seem so young!

–If you lay one finger on me, I’ll kill you.
–You kill me and I’ll see that you never work in this town again.
–Nobody’s going to keep me from working in this town.

–Is that her?
–No, it’s just a statue of her.

–Sounds like a hematoma to me.
–Oh, it does, does it? Well, it’s not you job to diagnose!

–Would you read that last bit back to me? I’m afraid it might make
me sound pompous to your readers.
–‘My brilliant research in brain transplantation is unsurpassed, and
will probably make my name live beyond eternity.’

1) If you lay a hand on me, I’ll kill you !!! 2) You kill me and I’ll see to it that you never work in this town again! 1) Nobody’s gonna keep me from working in this town !

Butler:You and your wife are expected for dinner.
Doctor: My wife won’t be coming.
Butler: Oh, I trust she is not ill?
Doctor: She’s not ill, she’s a cheap, vulgar slut!
Butler: yeah, I have heard this.

DOLORES: (Referring to the servants.) What are those assholes doing on the porch?
DR HFUHRUHURR: (Laughing.) Those aren’t assholes. (Pointing to the tubs of floewrs.) It’s pronounced azaleas.

Don’t interfere! He’s paying me fifteen thousand dollars just to touch my behind.

Get that cat out of here!

get that kid or cat out of here

I don’t think there’s a girl floating in a jar anywhere who’s as happy
as I am.

I don’t think there’s a girl floating in a jar anywhere who’s as happy as I am.

I get so excited when you get angry! It makes me feel so much closer to the reading of the will.

I get so excited when you get angry! It makes me feel so much closer to the reading of the will.

I saw you out on the lake today kissing your brain.

Into the mud, scum queen !!!

Into the mud, scum queen!

Ladies and gentlemen, I can envision a day when the brains of brilliant men can be kept alive in the bodies of dumb people!

Not only is he dead, he’s 6,000 miles away.

Oh pointy birds, oh pointy pointy. Anoint my head, anointy nointy.

So many brains! I feel like a kid in a candy store!

Take out the probably… I don’t want to sound wishy-washy!

That breeze feels good.

The Complete Poems of John Lillison, England’s greatest one-armed poet.

When are you having your fingers removed from your face?

You cooked her nines !!!

You nigger kike wop!

You! You’re the elevator killer. Merv Griffin!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Man with Two Brains, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Man with Two Brains, The’

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