Movie Quotes from Kiss of the Dragon: Quotes from the movie Kiss of the Dragon

-What are you doing?
>Calling 911. We have to get him to the hospital?
-He doesn’t want to go to the hospital. He wants to go to Heaven

I put a needle in your neck,in a certain spot,very forbidden. It’s called the Kiss of the Dragon. All the blood in your body will go to your head, never come down. The blood will com eout through your nose, your ears, and even your eyes. then you will die. Painfully.

Sir, they got the tape!
Richard: So the tape show nothing but a fat degenerate and some sleazy hooker
except for that sir, one tape was still running.
Richard: FFUCKK!!

There is a time for diplomacy and a time for action. Diplomacy is dead.

You don’t tell me when you quit, I tell you.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Kiss of the Dragon’: Quotes from the movie ‘Kiss of the Dragon’

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