Movie Quotes from Hot Chick, The: Quotes from the movie Hot Chick, The

Boys are cheats and liars, there such a big disgrace, they will tell you anything to get to secondbaseBALL baseball he thinks hes going to score! If you let him go all the way then you are a whoreTICULTURE studies flowers, geologists study rocks, all guys need is a place to put his COCKroaches, beetles, and bugs

(Jessica)- Ohh Bianca! You’re Looking Good Too…Are You Eating Less or Just Barfing More??….(Bianca’s Friend)- Barfing More…

I’ll go show her….This Is MY Song!!

(1) Eighteen dollars? That’s all you’ve got? (2) It’s a gas station. Everybody pays with credit cards now. Help yourself to some nachos.

(1) Excuse me, are you that girl that is sleeping with that college guy? (2) NO! (1) Wanna be?

(1) Hi Jessica, you look great. Are you doing anything different or just hanging out with skankier friends?
(2) You look good, too, Bianca. Are you eating less or barfing more?

(Adam Sandler banging the drums loudly)….(Lady behind the counter) Please can you stop the banging?…(Adam Sandler) Ohh i didnt know you could here me.

(Adam Sandler)…Im going to the back now. (Walks to the right) Oh the back is that way. (Walks to the left)

(Adam Sandler)Must Be Fun Dancing Naked Eh? But Where Do You Keep Your Weed? (Exotic Dancer) *Whispers* (Adam Sandler) Oh, I Don’t Have One Of Those

(Holds Up Tampon Box) Male Jessica- I gotta do what?!?!?!

(Jessica to Billy on phone) – I should of made love to you while i had the chance…

(male jessica) I had my period ok

(Male Jessica)If you just let me make $500, I’ll give you your body back. Then you can just loan it to me on the weekends so I can repay some…gambling debts.(Jessica)Hmmm…loan you MY body on the weekends… GIVE ME THAT FRIGGIN’ EARRING!!

(sobbing)Somebody shit in the locker.

*twirls hair* You mean.. People think Im Perfect?

-L to the I to the N to the G!! Ling Ling you forgot your bling-bling!
-Mom you are ruining my life!
-Nigga pleasee!

1-excuse me, is there someone in there? 2-yeah and they gonna be in there for a while, i told them not to go near the calamari

1-Its, its going everywhere!! 2-Hold on to it, not to tight. Hey, aim for that cigerette over there. 1-Its, its helping. 2-And if you shake it more then twice, your playin wit it. 1-WOw, I don’t know how I could ever thank you.

1-You and me, outside, right now, Let’s go. 2- Where are we going?

A lot of people dont know this but, uhh… you can put your weed in there.

And dancing bears named Chuck

And for me I’ll have a screaming orgasim on the beach with extra sugar on the rim! Yum!—A better make that last one a brewski….double brewski!

april april APRIL

April-Can i see it? Jessica-Alright, you wanna see it? Here, ill shut you up April- WOW..thats thats definitely top 5..Jessica-Top 5? How many have you seen? April-5, not including my little brothers Jessica-you slut!

April-Good morning, did u sleep well
Jessica-suprisingly yes
April-Did u have any intresting dreams?
Jessica-Not inparticuly,why
April-(pointing down)
Jessica-OH MY GOD MY FIRST BONER!!!!!!!!!!!


April: Uh, Jessica has a… problem.
Ling Ling: She’s only going to make us wait an hour this time.
Lulu: What about the class trip to Six Flags. She took so long in the bathroom we missed the bus.
Ling Ling: Our parents had to drive three hours to pick us up.
Jessica as Clive: I had my period, OK!

April:) So… can I see it? Jessica:) I don’t think you get the gravity of the situation here. April:) Sorry… can I see it? Come on, it’s not every day that your best friend grows a penis.

April:Niiiiiiice…definately top five.
Male Jessica: How many have you seen?
April: Umm.. five, not including my little brother’s!
Male Jessica: You tramp!

Are you that chick that’s having sex with that college dude? No… Wanna be??

Billly: But you’re a 30 year old dude!
Jessica: Only on the outside!BillUHHHHHY!

Billy you are the only boy that makes my heart be fast and slow at the same time

Billy- Hey.. Jessica’s anything but a cold fish, all right?- She’s the most amazing girl in the whole world.
Jake- Dude, you’ve never even been out of CA.

Booger…you are such a little weirdo

boys are cheats and liars theyre such a big disgrace tey will tell you anyhing to get to second BASEball baseball they think theyre gonna SCORE if you let him go all the way then you are a HORticultute studies flowers geologists studies rocks and all a boy really wants is a place to put his COCKroaches, beetles butterflies and bugs. they like nothing better than a giant pair of JUGGlers acrobats and dancing and a bear named CHUCK and all a boy really wants forget it no such LUCK!

Boys are cheats and liars, they’re such a big disgrace, they will tell you anything to get to second baseball baseball he think’s he’s gonna score, but if you let him go all the way then you are a horticulturist studies flowers, a geologist studies rock, the only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cockroaches beetles, butterflies and bugs, nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jugglers and acrobats and a dancing bear named chuck, all guys ever want to do is forget it no such luck

Boys are cheats and liars, they’re such a big disgrace, they will tell you anything to get to second-baseball, baseball, he thinks he’s gonna score, if you let him go all the way then you are a-horticologists study flowers, geologists study rocks, the only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his-cockroaches, beetles, butterflies, and bugs, nothing makes him happier tan a giant pair of-jugglers and acrobats and dancing bears named chuck, all boys want to do is…forget it no such luck.

Boys are cheats and liers, they’re such a big disgrace.
They will tell you anything to get to second base-
-ball, base ball, he thinks he’s going to score.
If you let him go all the way, then you are a whore
-ticulture studies flowers, a geologist studies rocks.
The only thing a man wants from you is a place to put his cock
-roaches, beetles, butterflies, and bugs,
nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jugg
-lers and acrobats and a dancing bear named Chuck.
All guys really want to do is forget it, no such luck!

Boys are cheats and liers, they’re such a big disgrace.
They will tell you anything to get to second base-
-ball, baseball, he thinks he’s going to score.
If you let him go all the way, then you are a whore
-ticulture studies flowers, a geologist studies rocks.
The only thing a man wants from you is a place to put his cock
-roaches, beetles, butterflies, and bugs,
nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jugg
-lers and acrobats and a dancing bear named Chuck.
All guys really want to do is forget it, no such luck!

Boys are cheats and liers, they’re such a big disgrace. They will tell you anything to get to second base- -ball, baseball, he thinks he’s going to score. If you let him go all the way, then you are a whore -ticulture studies flowers, a geologist studies rocks. The only thing a man wants from you is a place to put his cock -roaches, beetles, butterflies, and bugs, nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jugg -lers and acrobats and a dancing bear named Chuck. All guys really want to do is forget it, no such luck!

Clive as Jessica: I’ll make you a deal. You just let me make another 500 bucks tonight, OK. Then, I’ll give you your body back because it soooo important to you.
Clive as Jessica: Waah waah I’m crying about my body… And then, you can just loan it to me every other weekend so I can pay off some gambling debts.

College Dude, Hey, aren’t you that girl that’s having sex with that college guy? Goth Girl, No! College Guy, Wanna Be?


Girl: left hand red
Guy: right hand blue

Guy: Hey aren’t you that girl that’s having sex with that college guy?
Girl: No
Guy: Wanna be?

Guy:Right hand red. Girl:left hand green

I better get to the little girls room before I soak my panties. By that I mean, my girlfriends panties… which I carry with me…. To pee in… In case I dont make it in time, to the bathroom. What, you dont pee in your girlfriends panties? What kind of gay club is this? Hey everybody, check this guy out! Not peeing in his girlfriends panties.

I better run to the Ladies Room before I soak my panties!


i want quotes from this movie

I wish MY Mamma got me some Bling-Bling. If you don’t want her, I’ll taker her. Girl, please.

I’ll take two Bananna Daquri’s one Mango, Slow Gin Fizz, One Slippery Nipple, and for me… a screaming orgasam on the beach with extra sugar on the rim. YUM!

I’m so lesbian right now!

If you shake it more that twice, you’re playing with it.

im like so lesbian right now

jess’s friend-what is love? how do you know if u r really in love
jessica-i think its when u find that someone you can be urself with, tell them anything you no?
jess’s friend- u mean like best friends
jessica- yea- – love is like wen u cant imagine ur life w.o that special person, and words dont come close to how it really feels
jess’s friend- and even tho it doesnt make sense to other people you no ur suppose to be wit them
jessica- yea
jess’s friend-n u spend all nite thinking bout them n wen u wake up u have never felt so rested
jessica- n u feel like u have to hold onto something b/c ur whole body mite just float away

Jessica (in the tuxedo) Billy, Do you feel that? (put’s Billy’s hand on her heart) You are the only boy that can make my heart beat fast and slow at the same time.

Jessica as Clive: Too late dude, she’s with me right now. She says that my peepee’s way bigger than yours. And that’s if I fold it in half.

Jessica- (Holding Up Cake..) This Will Go Straight to your ass!!

Jessica- Wow, you’re looking good too, are you eating less or barfing more?

Jessica-Tell me in beautiful?
April-On the inside

Jessica: You don’t know what it’s like to have to wake up every morning and shave your chin. Hildenberg: Yes, yes I do!

jessica: You think you’re so cool because you can pee with your penis.
Guy with long hair::sits there in pain after getting beat up::

Jessica: [after kissing April] I feel so lesbian now.

Jessica: [on the phone to Billy after becoming a man] I should have made love to you when I had the chance.
Billy: Father Mulcahy?

Jessica:) Hildenburg, I’m sorry I humiliated you in front of the whole school and the visiting eighth graders, but you have no idea what it’s like to be a girl who has to shave her chin every morning.
Hildenburg:) [crying] Yes, I do.

Jessica~Booger what are you doing wearing my bra!
Booger~Im wasn’t …I was simply holding it against myself

L to the I to the N to the G!!!!!

let’s go wynona

Ling Ling you forgot your bling bling!

Ling Ling! You walked right by Crazy Nails and No Say Hi Me!!

Ling Ling’s mom: Ling Ling! I brought your bling bling!
girls(Tia/Tamera Mowry): Maaan. I wish my mom would bring me some bling bling.

LING LING’S MUM : L to the I to the N to the G….Ling Ling, you forgot yo bling bling!

LING LING: Mum, why do you always have to embarrass me like this?

LING LING’S MUM: I’m just tryna meet you half way Ling Ling, nigga please.


TWINS: If you don’t want her, I’ll have her. My mum don’t go out buying me no bling bling. Girl please!

ling ling, you forgot babypie, 5 vegetable, musoki and kim chi, you

Ling Ling, you walk right past crazy nail no say hi me!

Ling Ling? someone answer the phone!

Ling-Ling,you forgot your Bling-Bling.

Look at the buns on that guy, I’d like to get my hands on those…. Wish they were women’s breasts and I’d squeeze the hell out of um. Maybe put a steak on um, cuz I’m a guy, thats what guys like me like to do. But I dont gotta tell you that.

Look at these earrings! I’ll be the envy of every girl at prom! Not that that’s in jeopardy or anything…

lu lu, go easy on the chronics

Mikaela is cheat and liar, She’s such a big disgrace, She’ll tell Ms.Schwarz anything to get to second-baseball, baseball, Mikaela thinks she’s gonna score, if Ms.Schwarz let Mikaela go all the way then Ms.Schwarz is a-horticologists study flowers, geologists study rocks, the only thing a Mikaela wants to do is a place to put her-cockroaches, beetles, butterflies, and bugs, nothing makes her happier tan a flat pair of-jugglers and acrobats and dancing bears named chuck, all Mikaela want to do is…forget it no such luck.

MINIMUM wage for a MAXIMUM loser!

Nigga preese!

Nigga, prease

OH my God My frist BONER!

OOooO Look at me I’m so pretty!

Out of all the Korean liquor stores, why did my dad had to walk into that one?

Remember when you moved here from Arkansas? Everyone threw rocks at you cuz you talked funny, and your front two teeth were brown! I was your only frand!

Senior, sometimes when a woman is ignoring you she wants you the most. She is just waiting for you to open up her passion

She is the only girl that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. I’m not living untill im with her, and I’m not existing until i can hold her in my arms again

Silly, Billy, Nilly

Sissy and Venetia: Ling-Ling?
Venetia: Can somebody answer the phone?
Sissy: Oh dang, that’s messed up.

So like do you have a penis, can i see it? You do not understand the gravity that is going down here! Ok, sorry….so can I see it?

So your saying…people think I’m perfect?

so, where do you hide your weed? [*girl whispers*] oh, that’s good…i dont have one of those…sure

Some people don’t know the but uhhh you can put your weed in there. yeahh…suurrrre

Stay away from me! I have pepper spray on my keychain!

Teacher: I’m returning your papers on the Salem Witch Trials. Eden here got the only A.
Jessica Spencer: That’s not fair. She’s the only one who was actually there.

U ASSHOLE , whoever left these towels heres an ass……hole
GO TO HELL , whoever left these showers on………..go to …hell
somebody shit in the locker

What are you a pimp and these are your skank hoes?

What? U afraid that the janitior will see ur ding dong?

What? You don’t pee in your girlfriend’s panties?

Where’s my ……………….

Yeah, she says my pee-pee is way bigger than yours. And that’s if I fold it in half!

yo momma is sexy

You have no idea what it’s like to wake up every morning and have to shave your mustache. yes..yes i do

you moved here in second grade and everyone laughed, CUZ YOUR FRONT TWO TEETH WERE BROWN!!

You think you’re so cool cause you can pee with your penis!

you think you’re so cool cus you can pee with your penis..get a new conditioner..ur hair is totally split!

you think you’re so cool cuz you can pee with your penis!

you think you’re so cool cuz you can pee with your penis…. well, let me tell you something… you need a new conditioner because your ends are totally split

You think your so cool ’cause you can pee with your penis…

Youre the only person who makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Hot Chick, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Hot Chick, The’

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