Movie Quotes from Horse Soldiers, The: Quotes from the movie Horse Soldiers, The

(Holden to Wayne after he finds out SHE is a spy and not so dumb)Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

(William Holden to Wayne)I’ve had it with you section hand. Strip your blouse.

An engineer! Why Colonel that must be fun, driving that big train, ringing that big bell. Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

Hay wait a minute. Isn’t that the sun coming up over there? We ain’t going north we’ve been going south for days.

John Wayne, sitting at head of table, is offered seconds. A plater full of chicken, by a southern bell, in a very low cut dress. (She, leaning over) Colonel, care for somemore breasts? (He, with a look see) No thank you mam, I’ve had quite enought.

The man I knew could lose both arms and still try and kick you to death.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Horse Soldiers, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Horse Soldiers, The’

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