Movie Quotes from Hearts in Atlantis: Quotes from the movie Hearts in Atlantis

I wouldn’t have missed it for the world Bobby!

if they were the library police i would be one of their ten most wanted.

It will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged.

It’s funny how when you’re a kid, a day can last forever. Now, all these years seem just like a blink…

One feels one first from the back of one’s eyes,

She had the Heart of a Lion

She’s a real hotsie-totsie.

Ten Yards… Seven Yards… he crawled the entire way…

That will be the kiss against which all others are measured…and found wanting.

u know when ur young, u have moments of such happiness…
u think ur living in some place magical, like atlantis
must have been…. when we grow up and our hearts break in two.

Why do we always expect home to stay the same? Nothing else does.

You see Bobby, every town has a place you can go where… your last name doesn’t matter. Where wine comes in a paper sack, and you can buy just about anything… if you have cash in your pocket.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Hearts in Atlantis’: Quotes from the movie ‘Hearts in Atlantis’

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