Movie Quotes from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Quotes from the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and couldran bubble

(1) You can know where everyone is…
(2) anytime
(1) anywhere
(2) every minute
(1) of every day
(2) And when you’re done, just say…
(1,2) Mischief managed! Otherwise anyone can read it!

(1)Ancient Egyptians used to worship cats, you know.(2) Yeah, along with the dungbeetle

(1)I didn’t mean to open it.
It was badly wrapped.
[points at Fred and George] They made me do it!
(2,3) Did not

(1)That felt good. (2) Not good, Brilliant

(1)That man. Who is that? (2)Who is that? Who is… that is Sirius Black, that is. Don’t tell me you’ve never been hearing of Sirius Black? He’s a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it. (1) Well, how did he escape? (2)That’s the question, now, isn’t it. He was a big supporter of…YOU KNOW WHO!!!Reckon you’ve heard of him? (1)Yeah, him I’ve heard of.

-What’you doin’ down there?
-I fell over.
-What’you fell over for?
-I didn’t do it on purpose.
-Well, come on then. Let’s not wait for the grass to grow..

1) Its really bad, theyre gonna have to chop it off
2) Really? Im sure it’ll be ok!
1) No theyre gonna have to chop it

1)that felt good! 2) no, bloody fantastic!

1)[sitting bolt upright in bed] Spiders… the spiders… they were making me tap-dance. And I don’t want to tap-dance!
2) [laughing] Well go and tell those spiders Ron
1): Yeah tell them… I’ll tell them tomorrow…[falls straight back asleep]

1. I think that means that you owe someone an apology!
2. Yeah, you’re right. Next time I see crookshanks, I’ll let him know!

1. Spiders! The spiders want me to tap dance. I don’t want to tap dance! 2. Then tell them. You tell those spiders, Ron. 1. Alright, I’ll tell them.

1. Well, there’s a sort of wonky cross, and that means trials and suffering. Then there’s a thing that could be the sun, and that means happiness. So, I guess you’re gonna suffer but be happy about it.

1. Whats wrong?
2. Ronald has lost his rat!
3. I havent lost anything! Your cat killed him!

1.Spiders!! the spiders were making me tapdance – i dont want to tapdance. 2.You tell those spiders!

1: Ern, little old lady at twelve o’clock. 2:Ten… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… ‘tree’… ‘tree’ and a half… two… one and ‘tree’ quarters… YES!

1: Spiders, spiders they want me to tap dance. I don’t want to tap dance 2: You tell ’em Ron. 1: Yeah I’ll tell ’em, I’ll tell ’em.

1:Come on everywhere else is full. 2:Who do you think that is? 1:Professor R.J. Lupin. 2:Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything? 1:It’s on his suitcase, Ronald! 1:Oh.

1:Did I mention its the most haunted place in Britain? 2:Twice, I think. 1: Oh. Do you want to move closer? 2: Huh? 1:To the Shrieking Shack. 2: Oh, no. I’m ok here.

1:If you’re going to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us, too. 2:Only one will die tonight.

1:They use the cane at St. Brutus’s, boy? 2:Oh. Yeah, yeah. I… I’ve been beaten loads of times.

1:we did it! We saved him! 2: Did what? Good night.

1:What are you doing wandering the corridors at night? 2.I’m sleepwalking

1:What you doin’ down there? 2:I fell over. 1:Well, what you fell over for? 2:I didn’t do it on purpose. 1:Well come on then! Let’s not wait for the grass to grow!

Aunt Marge: They use the cane at St. Brutus’s, boy?
Harry: (sarcastically) Oh. Yeah, yeah. I.. I’ve been beaten loads of times.

Dumbledore: A word of caution: dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It’s not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.

Dumbledore: Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs.

Fudge: Now write your name only.
Dumbledore: It’s quite a long name.

Ginny: The Fat Lady.. she is gone!
Ron: Serves her right. She was a terrible singer.
Hermione: That’s not funny, Ron!

Harry: (Referring to Sirius) He was their friend, and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!.. I hope he finds me! Because when he does, I’m gonna be ready! When he does, I’m going to kill him!

Harry: (travelling at light speed in the Knight Bus) But the Muggles! Can’t they see us?
Shunpike: Muggles? They don’t see nothing, do they?
Shrunken Head: Yeah, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel it!

Harry: Expecto Patronum!

Harry: I didn’t mean to blow her up, I just.. lost control.
Ron: Brilliant!
Hermione: Honestly Ron, it’s not funny! Harry was lucky not to be expelled.
Harry: I think I was lucky not to have been arrested actually.
Ron: I still think it’s brilliant.

Harry: I knew I could do it because I already saw myself do it. Does that make any sense?

Harry: Professor Dumbledore, we did it! We saved him!
Dumbledore: Did what? (grins and waves) Good night.

Harry: What’s the holdup?
Ron: Neville’s probably forgotten the password again or something.
Neville: (behind them) Hey!
Ron: Oh.. You’re there.

Harry: Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?

Hermione: (looking at her past-self) Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?

Hermione: (referring to Ron’s bitten leg) Ow! That looks really painful.
Ron: It’s sorta painful. They uh, they might.. chop it.
Hermione: I’m sure Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat.
Ron: It’s too late, it’s ruined. It’ll have to be chopped off.

Hermione: Ancient Egyptians used to worship cats, you know.
Ron: Yeah, along with the dungbeetles.

Hermione: Beautiful day.
Ron: Gorgeous.. Unless of course you’ve been ripped to pieces.
Harry: Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?
Hermione: (annoyed) Ronald has lost his rat.
Ron: I haven’t lost anything! Your cat killed him!
Hermione: Rubbish!

Hermione: If you’re going to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us, too.
Sirius: Only one will die tonight.

Hermione: You! You foul, Loathsome, evil little cockroache! (raises her wand at Malfoy, who backs against the wall, whimpering)
Ron: Hermione, no! He’s not worth it. (Hermione lowers her wand and turns away. Malfoy starts laughing, she spins around and punches him in the nose)
Goyle: Malfoy! Are you okay? Come on, let’s go!
Malfoy: (running away) Not a word to anyone! Understood?
Hermione: That felt good.
Ron: Not good, brilliant!

Lupin: Sirius, be quiet..
Sirius: Go bite yourself, Remus!
Snape: Listen to you two, quarrelling like an old married couple.
Sirius: Why don’t you run along and play with your chemistry set?
Snape: I could do it you know. But why deny the Dementors? They’re so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah yes. The Dementor’s Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It’s said to be nearly unbearable to witness but I’ll do my best.

Lupin: Very good. A little louder please, and very clearly. Rid-di-kulus.
Defence Against the Dark Arts-Class: Riddikulus!
Malfoy: This class is ridiculous.

Lupin: Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even more perhaps. Most especially when that person couldn’t see it in themselves. Then your father, James on the other hand, he uh, he had a certain shall we say talent for trouble. The talent, rumor has it, he passed onto you. You are more like them than you know, Harry. In time you’ll come to see just how much.

Malfoy: (after being attacked by Buckbeak) You’re going to regret this.
Hagrid: Class dismissed.
Malfoy: You and your bloody chicken.

Malfoy: (outside the Shrieking Shack) Well, well. Look who’s here; you two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn’t it, Weasel-Bee? Don’t your family all sleep in.. one room?

Ron: (after Harry and Hermione re-appear after travelling back in time How did you get there? I.. I was talking to you there! And now you’re there!
Hermione: What’s he talking about Harry?
Harry: I dunno. Honestly Ron, how can people be in two places at once?

Ron: (reading Harry’s tea leaves) Well, this shape means that there will be suffering, and this one is shaped like a moon and that means happiness. So I guess you’re gonna suffer… but you’re going to be happy about it…..

Ron: I’m warning you Hermione! You better keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I’ll turn it into a tea cozy!
Hermione: It’s a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It’s in his nature.
Ron: A cat? Is that what they told you? It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me.
Hermione: That’s rich! Coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush.

Ron: She’s gone mental, Hermione has! I mean, not that she wasn’t always. But, now it’s out there in the open for everyone to see.

Shrunken head 1: I say! No underage wizards allowed in today. Shut the damn door!
Hermione: So rude!
Ron: Thick-heads.
Shrunken head 2: Thick-heads.. how dare they! Who are they calling thick heads? Young whippersnappers!

Shrunken Head: Ah, the Leaky Cauldron! You get the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it eats you!

Shunpike: He was a big supporter of You-Know-Who. Reckon you’ve heard of him?
Harry: Yeah… him I’ve heard of.

Sirius: Brilliant, Snape; once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.

Sirius: Come out, come out, Peter! Come out, come out and play!

Sirius: Enough talk Remus! Let’s kill him!

Lupin: Wait-

Sirius: I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!

(Long pause)

Lupin: Very well. But wait one more minute, Harry has the right to know why.

Harry: I know why! You betrayed my parents! You’re the reason their dead!

Lupin: No Harry, someone did betray your parents, but it was someone who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!

Harry: Who was it then?!

Sirius: Peter Pettigrew! And he’s in this room, right now! Come out, come out Peter! Come out, come out and play!!

Sirius: Enough talk, let’s kill him!
Lupin: Wait!
Sirius: I did my waiting! TWELVE YEARS OF IT! In Azkaban!

Sirius: I would have died! I would have died rather than betray my friends!

Sirius: It’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, and you so little. But remember, the ones who love us never truly leave us. They will always be found in here. (Puts his hand over Harry’s heart)

Sirius: Sorry about the bite, I reckon that twinges a bit.
Ron: A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!
Sirius: I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas? They’re murder.

Snape: (taps the blank Marauder’s Map with his wand) Reveal your secrets. (to Harry) Read it.
Harry: ‘Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and…’
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: ‘… and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.’

Snape: How extraordinarily like your father you are Potter; he too was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle.
Harry: My Dad didn’t strut, and nor did I. And if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you lower your wand.

Snape: That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself, or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?

Snape: Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk.. in the moonlight are we?

The Fat Lady: (sings while holding a glass) Ah ah ah AH!
Harry: Fortuna Major.
The Fat Lady: No, wait, wait! (sings again, higher) Ah ah ah AH!
Harry: Fortuna Major.
The Fat Lady: Wait! (sings again, highest) Ah ah ah AAAAAAAAAAAH! (holds the note, looks around to make sure nobody’s watching, then smashes the glass on the edge of the painting) Oh, amazing! And just with my voice!
Harry: Fortuna Major.
The Fat Lady: Yes, all right, all right, you can go in.
Harry: Thank you!
The Fat Lady: Plebs.

Trelawney: (in a deep, possessed-like voice) He will return tonight! He who betrayed his friends; whose heart rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once moooooooore!

Trelawney: You know, my dear, the moment I looked into your eyes I knew that you did not have the mind for the noble art of Divination. (looking at her palm) See? Right here. You’re young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid’s, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave. (Hermione gets up and leaves, angrily)

Trelawney: Your aura is pulsing my dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are.
Ron: Sure..
Trelawney: Cup… tell me what you see.
Ron: Oh yeah um… well um Harry got sort of a wonky cross.. that’s ‘trials and suffering’. And that there could be the sun and thats.. ‘happiness’. So you’re gonna suffer but you’ll gonna be happy about it.

Uncle Vernon: You’re not allowed to use magic outside your school!
Harry: Yeah? Try me.

a cat it that what they told you? looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me.

Bloody hell Harry that was NOT funny

cmon, come and get the nice dead ferret

Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah, yes. The Dementor’s Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It’s said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I’ll do my best.

Double double,toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double double, toil and trouble,
something wicked this way comes

Eye of newt and toe of frog
Wool of bat and tongue of dog
Adder’s fork and blind worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlett’s wing

Double double, toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double double, toil and trouble,
something wicked this way comes

In the cauldron boil and bake
Fillet of a fenny snake
Scale of dragon tooth of wolf
Witch’s mummy, maw and gulf

Double double, toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double double, toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double,double, toil and trouble,

Fire burn and cauldron bubble

Expecto, petronum!!!!


fasten your seatbelts, clutch your buttocks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride

Hagrid: Well done, ‘arry, well done! Now maybe we’ll let you ride him! Harry: WHAT?

Harry (after Lupin gets attacked by Buckbeak): Professor Lupin’s not having a good time, is he?

Harry: Good punch!

Harry: Nice punch!

Hermione: Thank you!

Harry: Ow… That hurt! Hermione: Sorry.

Harry: What are you doing?! Hermione: Saving your life!(hermione howls)Harry: Thanks. (werewolf moves)Oh, great now he’s heading for us. Hermione: Yeah, didn’t think about that!

Hermione: Beautiful day.
Ron: Gorgeous. Unless, of course, you’ve been ripped to pieces.
Harry: Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about? What happened?
Hermione: Ronald has lost his rat.
Ron: I haven’t lost anything! Your cat killed him!
Hermione: Rubbish.
Ron: Harry, you’ve seen the way that blood thirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. Scabbers is gone!
Hermione: Well, maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!
Ron: Your cat killed him!
Hermione: Did not!
Ron: Did.
Hermione: Didn’t.

Hermione: Harry… what’s happened?
Harry: He was their friend, and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!… I hope he finds me! Because when he does, I’m gonna be ready! When he does, I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!

Hermione: I just saved your life.
Harry: Thank you

Hermione:You do know the eygptions worsiped cats?! Ron: Yeah along with a dung beetle!

Hermoine:is that really what my hair looks like from the back?!

Honestly, Ron, how could anyone be in two places at once?

How did you get there?..I was talking to you there..and now you’re..there!

I didn’t mean to blow her up, I just… lost control.

I don’t care,… anywhere’s better than here

I felt like I’d never be cheerful again..

I solemnly swear i am up to no good

I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.

If there’s something wrong with the bitch, there’s something wrong with the pup.

IM dead im dead im dead…the bloody chiken its killed me

Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?

It’s a pity that I got to spend so much time with them and you so little. But remember Harry, the ones we love never truly leave us. They will always be found right here.

Malfoy: (outside the Shrieking Shack) Well, well. Look who’s here; you two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn’t it, Weasel-Bee? Don’t your family all sleep in.. one room?

McGonagall: Remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again. No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That’s the rule, Potter.
Filch: All those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put.
Harry: But Professor, I thought if you signed it, then I could go.
McGonagall: I can’t. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropiate. I’m sorry, Potter. That’s my final word.
Harry: Forget about it, guys. See you later.

Messrs Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business

Mischief managed!

My Dad, didn’t strut, and nor did I. And if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you lower your wand.

Remus Lupin- You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn’t you? Peter Pettigrew- I didn’t mean to. The Dark Lord, you’ve no idea the weapons he possesses.

Ron: …How’d you get there… when I was talking to you there? You were there, and now you’re there…! Hermione: Harry, what’s he talking about? Harry: I don’t know. Honestly, Ron, how can someone be in two places at once?

Ron: ahhh the spiders…the spiders they want me to tapdance…

ron: I’m warning you Hermione keep that bloody beast away from scabbers or i’ll turn it into a tea cozy!
hermione: he’s a cat ronald what do you expect its in his nature!
ron: A cat! thats what they told you it looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me!
hermione: thats rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoebrush!
ron: Harry!
hermione: Harry!

Ron: I’m warning you Hermione keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers, or I’ll turn it into a tea cozy! Hermione: It’s a Cat Ronald what do expect, it’s in it’s nature. Ron: A Cat is that what they told you you? It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me! Hermione: That’s rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoebrush! It’s alright Crookshanks you just ignore the mean little boy.

Ron: No… no, I don’t want to! AAHH!! spiders… ssspiders… They wanted me to tapdance… I don’t want to tapdance!! Harry: …You tell those spiders, Ron.

Ron:let me get this straight, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you!? Harry: yeah. Hermione: but they’ll catch Black won’t they? I mean, everyone’s looking for him Ron: Sure, except, no one’s ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he’s a murderous, raving lunatic. Harry : thanks ron!

Show us what you see.

Sirius Black: Brilliant, Snape; once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you’ll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to.
Professor Snape: Give me a reason. I beg you.
Professor Lupin: Severus, don’t be a fool.
Sirius Black: He can’t help it. It’s habit by now.
Professor Lupin: Sirius, be quiet…
Sirius Black: Calm yourself, Remus!
Professor Snape: Listen to you two, quarrelling like an old married couple.
Sirius Black: Why don’t you run along and play with your chemistry set?
Professor Snape: I could do it you know. But why deny the Dementors? They’re so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah yes. The Dementor’s Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It’s said to be nearly unbearable to witness but I’ll do my best.

Snape: Lost of limbs will not make an excuse

Snape: That’s the second time you’ve spoken without permission, miss. granger,… Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insuferable know it all?

Snape: Turn to page 394

Something wicked this way comes!

That felt really good!

The people who love us never really leave us. They can always be found right here.

This class is ridiculous

This heart is where you truly lye!

Turn to page 394…

Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor this evening

Well well. Look who’s here, you two shopping for your new dream home?

Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk… in the moonlight are we?

Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?



You foul,loathsome,evil, little cockroach!

You get those spiders, Ron.

Your aura is pulsing my dear! Are you in the beyond?

Your heart, though you are young in years, is as shriveled as an old maid’s, you soul is as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.

[in a deep, raspy voice] He will return tonight! He who betrayed his friends – whose heart rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once moooooooore!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’: Quotes from the movie ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’

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