Movie Quotes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Quotes from the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

-remember I told Hermione to tell you, that Seamus told me that Dean was told by Parvaty, that Hagrid was looking for you… I thought that you would figure that out…
-how can anyone fugure that out… ITS COMPLETELY MENTAL!
by: KaReN

1) ‘An hour long you have to look.’ Again, obvious, all though potentially problematic. 2) ‘Potentially problematic’?! When was the last time you held your breath under water?!

1) Cheers Fred! 2) Cheers George!

1) Is that a student?! 2) Technically it’s a ferret!

1) The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to… 2) Battle a dragon.

1) We NEVER use Transfiguration as a punishment, surely Professor Dumbledore told you that! 2) He might have mentioned it…

1) Where are we going? 2) Haven’t a clue!

1) which can be potentially problematic. 2) Really Hermoine? When was the last time you had to hold your breath under water for an hour?

1) Who is that? 2)That sis is the best seeer in the world. KRUM!!!

1) Wouldyouliketogototheballwithme? 2) Sorry? I didn’t catch that?

1) You need to know what you’re up against! You need to be prepared! You need to find another place for your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!! 2) *muttered* Blimey, the old codger can see out the back of his head.. 1) *pelts chalk at him* AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS!

1)Everything’s going to change, isn’t it? Dramatic pause. 2) Yes.

1)The Goblet of Fire is a powerfully magical object. It would take an extremely powerful Confundus charm to make it forget there were only supposed to be three champions.
2)You seem to know a lot about what might have happened, Mad-Eye.
1)Well, it was my job to think like a Dark wizard.

1: Everything’s going to change now, isn’t it?
2: Yes.

Harry: Hagrid, what’s with the flower?… Hagrid, did you comb your hair?!

Alastor (Mad-Eye) Moody: The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object! Only an exceptionally powerful Confundusm Charm could have hoodwinked it!

Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you’ll have to look, to discover what we took.

Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you’ll have to look, to recover what we took.

Dark and difficult times lie ahead.

Dumbledore: I never did like these curtains…i set them on fire my fourth year…on accident of course.


For your information someone’s already asked me….and I’ve said YES!

Harry Potter!!!!

Harry: You’re a right foul git, you know that? Ron: Anything else? Harry: Yeah. Stay away from me.

Harry: I don’t give a darn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He’s vile and cruel, and you’re pathetic!
Malfoy: Pathetic?! (tries to cast a spell on Harry)
Moody: OH, NO, YOU DON’T, SONNY!!!
(turns Malfoy into a ferret)

Harry: Iwasjustwonderingifmaybeyouwantedtogototheballwithme. Cho: Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Harry: I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me.

Harry: Ron, where are we actually going Ron: don’t know (to his dad) hey dad, where are we going? Mr Weasley: have’nt the foggiest, keep up!

He is no more a Death Eater than I!

He’s back! He’s back! Voldemort’s back! Cedric told me to bring back his body. Take his body back to his dad.

Hermione: Everything is going to change now, isn’t it?
Harry: Yeah…

Hermione: Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you.

Hermione:he’s more of a physical being. Harry: (Laughs)
Hermione: Heh, I mean he doesn’t talk much, he really just watches me study… It get’s quite annoying actually! Harry and Hermione: (Laughs)

I hate to break up the skull session…

I have always hated these curtins. Set them on fire once. In my fourth year. On accident of course!

I look like my great Aunt Tessie!

I look like my Great Aunt Tessie…I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie

I look like my great-aunt Tessie…I SMELL like my great-aunt Tessie!

I love magic

I’m not an owl!

I’m not wearing that, it’s ghastly!

Me and my father have a bet going. I don;t think you’ll last 10 minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He doesn’t think you’ll last five!

Murder me now, Harry.

My eyes aren’t glistening with the ghosts of my past!

Neville: Amazing. Amazing.
Harry: Neville…you’re doing it again.

No matter, no matter. Things have changed. I can touch you now!

oh no i’ve killed Harry Potter

Ron: well you’re a girl arent you? Hermione: Well spotted!

Ron:Piss off

The Chinese Fireball….OooOoo!

The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening bismirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!!

The niceties must be observed, Dumbledore would want you to use your manners!

The use of it on a student is forbidden, regretably..

this smells like my aunt tessie too!

though we may come from different places, speak different tongues, our hearts beat as one…

Viktor, I love you. Viktor I do. When we’re apart, my heart beats only for you!

What shall I have her do next? Throw herself out the window? Drown herself?

Why do they always have to travel in packs?

You better get a move on or all the good ones will have gone.

You know how I like to watch them walk from behind…!

You saved my sister, even though she was not yours to save…

Zou saved er even though sche vas not yours to save!(kisses him) Zou! Zou helped!(also kisses him)

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’: Quotes from the movie ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

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