Movie Quotes from Gremlins 2: The New Batch: Quotes from the movie Gremlins 2: The New Batch

1) Gizmo is here. 2) That fury thing?

1)Can you work a camera? 2)Work a camera? I AM a camera!

1)What happened to Gizmo? 2)I don’t know they must have pushed him to far.

1. – Hey, get the hell out of there, that’s a restricted area! Move it, move it! Looks like I caught a terrorist, huh? What’s in the bag? 2. – Nothing
3. – Let’s see that nothing, open the bag.
4. – I’m afraid that you can’t do that.
5. – But you aren’t me, are you?

1. – Mister, welcome to the Men’s Room! 2. – Hey pal, I sure hope you wash your hands!

1. Please state your desired floor. 2. The elevator doors have opened. Please leave and watch your step.

Because of the end of civilization, the Clamp Cable Network now leaves the air. We hope you’ve enjoyed our programming, but more importantly, we hope you’ve enjoyed life.

Before we had microwaves, this used to take for ever. But now, we could make the same Tuna Noodle Cheese Product Chowder Surprise in a few minutes.

Clamp Corners; where life slows down to a halt.

Fire! The untamed element! Giver of warmth! Destroyer of forests! Right now, this building is on fire! Leave the building and act the age old drama of self-preservation!

He reminds me of dolls hanging from suction cups from behind car windows.

Hi, this is Daniel Clamp. You know, no visit to New York is complete without a tour of the world’s most fully automated office building. My Clamp Premiere Regency Trade Center and Retail Concourse. Headquarters of Clamp Enterprises and home of CCN – Clamp Cable Network Television.

It’s horrible, only one of my channels is still on the air. And the people, there human beings in this building, I mean real lives. Do you know how many lawsuits we’re looking at here?

Let’s lose the elm trees. People see elm, they think Dutch, disease…

near end of movie credits: Still lurking about? Don’t you people have homes?

NEW YORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New York, a city so nice they named it twice, check it out one time won’t you

Now wa that civilized? No. Fun, but in no ways civilized

Now, was that civilized? No, clearly not.

Ow! I was just kidding! Ah! It’s a ten! It’s a ten!

The Clamp Center is experiencing a temporary technical difficulty with our illumination system. Please try not to notice.

Tonight on the Clamp Cable Classic Movie Channel is Casablanca. Now in full color with a happier ending.

Unauthorized potted plant…

We can’t let them out into the city.

We’re advising our clients to put everything they have into canned food and shotguns.

Welcome to the Clamp Entry-Matic. A revolution in revolving door precision and efficiency.

Well you’re supposed to get the bugs out of the building right? I would call these things some pretty god damn major bugs, wouldn’t you? Huh!?

Well, Louis, it’s like I’ve always said: If you wanna find something weird you have to go downtown.

Will the owner of the car with license number 18G401, please remove it from the Clamp Center Parking Garage. Your car is old and dirty.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Gremlins 2: The New Batch’: Quotes from the movie ‘Gremlins 2: The New Batch’

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