Movie Quotes from Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The: Quotes from the movie Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The

Ah, Lucia, what we’ve missed! What we’ve … both … missed.

Captain… I’ve never been mounted from the rear by a GHOST… Much less penetrated by his wooden,aaah… MAST!!

Don’t ever let anyone tell you to be ashamed of you figure.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you to be ashamed of your figure.

I have no desire to see men.

If you’re going to haunt me, you might at least be civilized about it!

My dear, since Eve ate the apple, no woman has ever been taken entirely unaware.

No woman has ever been the worse for knowing me!

No, Captain… I said NO!! That is most DEFinitely and exit, not an entrance!! What makes you think I…I…OOOooooohGAWD, Captain!! It feels like a FIST going in!!… My dear Lady, that’s exACTly what it IS!!!…

SEAMEN, madam, sailor is a land lubber’s word!

Who ever heard of a cowardly ghost?

You must make your own life amongst the living and, whether you meet fair winds or foul, find your own way to harbor in the end

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The’

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