Movie Quotes from Fun with Dick and Jane: Quotes from the movie Fun with Dick and Jane

Ahead of the game.

Brain freeze.

But seriously, doesn’t this remind you of that movie ‘Heat’ with Val Kilmer?

Dick, you’re fired.

Globodyne is a consolidator of media properties and data retrival, with a focus in fiber-optic content provision.

Hooked up with a new company…Great benefits…They trade energy.
It’s called Enron.

It’s basically a synergy of web-based and platform-based UNIX-driven delivery systems.

Just working at home, playing in the stock market.

Modeling is nothing more than organized walking.

Oh, I’m so happy for you.

Remember the cross is a plus sign.

The super-rich get richer.

Vice presidents are working at Burger King.

Weak companies have to die so that stronger companies can get stroner. It’s just nature.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’: Quotes from the movie ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’

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