Movie Quotes from Falling Down: Quotes from the movie Falling Down

I don’t like you Pendergrass. You know why? You don’t curse. I don’t trust a man who doesn’t curse.

–I am just disagreeing with you! In America, we have the freedom of speech! The right to disagree!
–Fuck you and your freedom!

–You got to give me something.
–Why don’t you try to get a job?

–You have a restraining order against your husband?

-Take the money!
-You think I’m a thief? You see, I’m not the thief. I’m not the one
charging 85 cents for a stinking soda! You’re the thief! I’m just
standing up for my rights as a consumer.

-That’s a hell of a way to treat a vet, man!
-You’re an animal doctor?
-No, a vet. A veteran. I was in ‘Nam, man.
-What were you, a drummer boy? You must’ve been 10 years old!
-I meant the Gulf. I meant to say the Gulf. Jesus! Come on. All I’m asking for is a little change. I haven’t eaten in three days. Well, I mean, except for this.

1.Eighty fie cent.
1.Eighty fie cent!Eighty fie cent!


A bunch of fucking niggers, right? I know, you see it on TV and they have a lot of nice white kids on it, but when you go down there it’s just a bunch of fucking niggers, and they’ll spit on your food if you’re not nice to them. I know.

Can anybody tell me what’s wrong with this picture?

Fuck you! Who the Fuck are you?!

Fuck you, Captain Yardley. Fuck you very much.

Get some shooting lessons asshole.

give me your other hand. I cant. What do you mean you cant. GRAVITY!!!

Have you ever heard the expression the customer is always right?

Here we go! Horsey ride!

Horsie ride!

I heard what you did at the Whammy Burger!Right on!
They were niggers right?I know, I know all about it.
On tv they show nice lookin white kids,but when you go in there its a bunch of fuckin niggers and if you not nice to “em they’ll spit on your food,I know all about it.

I know how it works. If you don’t spend the money projected this year, you won’t get the same amount next year.

I think it’s out of order.

I’ll fall down.

I’m an American and you’re a sick asshole

I’m going home…

clear a path you mother fuckers clear a path.I’m going home.

I’m just standing up for my rights as a consumer.

I’m not…economically viable!

I’m rolling back prices to 1965. What do you think of that?

I’m the bad guy? How did this happen?

It’s your last day. What are they going to do, fire you?

Jesus Christ! What is this, the last stand at Fiji!

Look at this sorry miserable squashed thing, can anybody tell me what’s wrong with this picture?

Loook at thiis!, Heat seaking, shoulder firing fucking disposable. You could take out a jet with one of these monkey’s.

Mexican: Didnt you see the sign?
Douglas: No
Mexican: What do you call that
Douglas: Graffiti

Mexican: Ill fucking read it for you man, it says no fucking trespassing, this means fucking you!
Douglas: It says all that?

These boots are for stomping queers and faggots

think about it! would ya think about it? think about it!

This is a gangland thing, isn’t it? We’re having a territorial dispute?

Vietnam jungle boots, They cost half as much last twice as long and they’re good for stomping queers!

We are not the same, I’m an American your a sick asshole.

We don’t serve breakfast after 10:30! May I help you.

We’re rolling back prices to 1965! Donuts! How much?!

Well maybe if you wrote it in fuckin’ English I could fuckin’ understand it.

Well, if you maybe wrote in fucking English I would fucking understand

What about the briefcase? You forot the briefcase!

What is this doing here? …….. FAGGOT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this? The last stand on Fiji?

Why am I calling you by your first names? I don’t even know you. I
still call my boss Mister, and I’ve been working for him for seven
years. But all of a sudden I walk in here and I’m calling you Rick and Sheila like we’re in some kind of AA meeting. I don’t want to be
your buddy, Rick. I just want some breakfast.

Yeah! And now you’re gonna die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?

You fuck, you faggot fuck. You were going to take my rocket.

You have a choice. I can kill you. Or you can kill me and my daughter will get the insurance.

You know Rick,I think I will have lunch.I’ll have a Choco Whammy Shake,some Whammy fries and Whammy burger.

You know whats in here?Listen(shakes the can)hear that?This was used, this was used man.I wonder how many kikes this little can took out.

You live in my country, you take my money and you don’t have the grace to learn how to speak my language?

You see, I’m not the thief. I’m not the one charging 85 cents for a sticking soda! You’re the thief!

You’re mad because they lied to you? They lie to everyone! They lie
to the fish!

You’re trespassing on private property.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Falling Down’: Quotes from the movie ‘Falling Down’

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