Movie Quotes from Eraserhead: Quotes from the movie Eraserhead

1)Marry tells me you’re a very
nice fellow. What do you do?
2)I-I am on vacation.

14 years ago, i had an operation on my arm here, and the doctors said i wouldn’t be able to use it. What the hell did they know, i said. And i rubbed it for a half hour every day, and then it got so i could move it, and then i t got so i could turn a faucet, and then, pretty soon, i had my arm back again! Now i can’t feel a damn thing in it. All numb!

All it does is cry. I1m going home to get some sleep

Did you and Mary have sexual intercourse?

do you cut it like fresh chicken

Do you eat it like a regular chicken?

I thought i heard a stranger! We’ve got chicken tonight, strangest damn things. They’re man-made, little damn things! Smaller than my fist, but they’re new!

I’ve seen this neighborhood change from pastures to the hellhole it is now!

In heaven, everything is fine,
You’ve got your good things and i’ve got mine.

Look at my knees! Look at my knees!


You really ** are ** sick.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Eraserhead’: Quotes from the movie ‘Eraserhead’

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