Movie Quotes from Dutch: Quotes from the movie Dutch

1) I’m going to have you prosecuted for this! 2) Oh, you mean like in
big people’s court? Or some school teen court where if I’m found
guilty I gotta roll naked in the snow or make a bed with my teeth?
1) My father is one of the most powerful men in this country! When he
hears about what you did, he’ll sue your working class ASS into
complete and total destitution!

1) We’re gonna have some fun now! You like fireworks? (long pause) Is
that a yes or no or maybe? Your testicles descending? What?
2) Fireworks are illegal in Illinois. 1) Yes they are, but this is
Tennesee so it doesn’t matter. 2) You’re going to detonate this
material now? 1) No, not here in the gas station, you nuts?! Go down
the road a piece.

1) What do you like to do for fun? 2)(kid is gagged, hanging on to a
hockey stick carried by 1 and tries to reply)1) Oh, you like to wiggle and
grunt. Me too!

But my money doesn’t matter in your world. All that matters is whose crotch the doctor yanked you out of.

Fireworks are illegal in Illinois.

Give a little love.

Have a nice weekend, rotting in your own pissed off world.

I’m so lonesome I could cry.

I’m so longsome I could cry.

Nothing burps better than bacon

Nothing burps better than bacon.

Nothing burps like bacon….Your water looked tastey.

One piece at a time.

Shake it baby.

Snatch it back and hold it.

Well, that’s real helpful when you’re lying facedown dead in a ditch.

When I put you down on your mother’s door step you are going to be one whipped puppy.

Whta wont make me vomit?

Wrong side of the tracks.

You can’t beat a Ford for good brakes!

you hurt her and I’ll hit you so fucking hard your dog will bleed..

You ready for your turkey dinner?

{dutch dooley},….you may be able to do some damage to a small exsclusive group of people who care about you, but i dont think that you can raise a welt on my fanny, because quite frankly, i could care less if you live, die, or grow mushrooms in your crack…

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Dutch’: Quotes from the movie ‘Dutch’

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