Movie Quotes from Cube: Quotes from the movie Cube

(1)Are they telling you anything? (2)They’re not tarot cards.

(1)Hey, hey… (checks person for heartbeat, pats person on cheek) Hey!

(1)This room is green. (2)Yes it is. (1)I wanna go back to the blue room.

(1)Wait a second, does anybody remember how they got here? (2)Pierogies! I was eating dinner…

(name), you don’t get it. This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It’s a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan.

+you could try and help me out here buddy

+no i couldn’t

1) For Christ’s sake, Worth, what do you live for? Don’t you have a wife, or a girlfriend, or something? 2) Nope. I’ve gotta pretty fine collection of pornography.

2, astronomical.

Leaven: I’m nobody. I go to school, I live with my parent; I’m nobody.

Quentin: Who do you think the establishment is? It’s just guys like me. Their desks are bigger, but their jobs aren’t. They don’t conspire, they buy boats.

Worth: I have nothing to live for out there.
Leaven: What is out there?
Worth: Endless human stupidity.
Leaven: I can live with that.

Do it. Show us you have some backbone and jump in the sushi machine.

Don’t even think about nothin’s not right in front a’ ya’.

Holy cats! Holy, holy cats!

How many people are in this thing?

I *need* to smoke!

I have nothing to live for out there.
What is out there?
Endless human stupidity.
I can live with that.

I need to smoke.

I say we cross the bitch

I wasn’t exactly bursting with joie de vivre before I got here.

it’s ren, not rens. it’s french.

let him go, you nazi!

Look around, take a good long looksee. Cause I got a feeling it’s lookin’ at us.

Not all of us are conceited enough to play hero.

Oh you’re not getting out of here

Yes, we are!

No, we’re not!!

Yes, we are!!!


Single bullet theory, right on.

There is no way outta here.

We have about three days without food and water before we’re too weak to move.

Who do you think the establishment is? It’s just guys like me. Their desks are bigger, but their jobs aren’t. They don’t conspire, they buy boats.

You Either use it or you admit it’s pointless

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Cube’: Quotes from the movie ‘Cube’

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