Movie Quotes from Crocodile Dundee: Quotes from the movie Crocodile Dundee

(singing) If I give my heart to you….. I’ll have none and you’ll have two….

–Oh no, you can’t take my photograph.
–Oh, I’m sorry, you believe it will take your spirit away?
–No, you got the lens-cap on.

1. Hey, do you know where a man can get a bloody croc around here? 2. How would I know. Shit for brains?

1. Well hell, we’re going to have to give you one for free. 2. Yeah, one for free (pause) One what?

1/ So I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning at our headquarters just up the end of this road….
2/ Just past that old iron shed?
1/ No…. *IN* the old iron shed

Mick: For a minute there, ‘room-service’ took on a whole new meaning.

Sue: That croc was going to eat me alive.
Mick: Oh, I wouldn’t hold that against him. Thought crossed my mind once or twice.

Bullshit Wally!

Bullshit, Wally!!!!

But he’s got a knife!
That’s not a knife, that’s a knife!

Don’t worry. I’m a New Yorker!

Hey Sue ….some nitwit’s put two dunnys in here!

Hey! It’s for washing your backside, right?

I don’t need a gun, I’ve got a Donk.

I go walkabout.

I think you better take me over to the boo-zah…
Boozer?…dont know that one buddy!

It’s for washin’ your back!

Me and God-We’d be mates.

Michael J. *Crocodile* Dundee!

Say what?
heh…heh…heh…he’s cool…
See, I’m cool.

See those rocks sitting up there? Been standing there for six hundred thousand years. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing over who owns ’em is like a couple of fleas arguing over who owns the dog they’re living on

See those rocks sitting up there? Been standing there for six hundred years. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing over who owns’em is like a couple of fleas arguing over who owns the dog they’re living on.

Sue: How old are you? Mick: dont know

thats not a knife, this is a knife

Up the the Northern Territory,
where the land is harsh and bare
Lived a mighty hunter named Mick Dundee,
who could dance like Fred Astaire

Well, you can live on it. But it tastes like shit.

You can live on it but it tastes like shit

you know who that was?…Clint Eastwood

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Crocodile Dundee’: Quotes from the movie ‘Crocodile Dundee’

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