Movie Quotes from Collateral: Quotes from the movie Collateral

–I can’t drive you around while you’re killing folks. It ain’t my job!
–Tonight it is.

–Now help me put him in the trunk.
–You want to put him in the trunk?
–You want him to ride up front with you?

–Slow down!
–Shoot me!

–You have to hold a gun to his head to get him to do anything.
–Tell me about it.

–You just met him once and you killed him like that?
–What? I should only kill people after I get to know them?

–You killed him?
–I only shot him. The fall killed him.

A South Central deer?

All it ever took was a down payment on a Lincoln Towncar

All the cabbies in L.A., I get Max, Sigmund Freud meets Dr. Ruth.

Definitely not from around here.

Do you get benefits?…You know, like insurance?…Pension?

Enjoy L.A.

Guy gets on the MTA here in L.A., and dies. Do you think anybody will notice?

Have you ever heard of Rwanda?

How are you at math? I was hired for five hits. I did four.

How do I know, ya know, they all got that witness for the prosecution look to me. Probably some major federal inditement of somebody who majorly does not want to get indited.

I saved you. Do I get any thanks? No, all you can do is clam up. Want to talk? Wanaa tell me to fuck off?

I shot him, the bullets and the fall killed him.

Improvise, Adapt to the environment, Darwin, Each Ching Shit Happeneds. Whatever man, we gotta roll with it.

Max, I do this for a living!

Nobody notices.

Only thing didn’t show up was the Polish cavalry.

Red light, Max.

Since when was any of this negotiable?

Six billion people on the planet. I off one fat angelino and you throw a hissy fit.

Six liters of blood in the average New Yorker, he had to dump all of his on your bright, shiny hood.

So you hit a south central deer?

That’s us…Lost in space.

You can run but you’ll die tired.

You focus on the job. Drive.

You like jazz?

You’re alive. I saved you.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Collateral’: Quotes from the movie ‘Collateral’

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