Movie Quotes from Clay Pigeons: Quotes from the movie Clay Pigeons

Barney! Could you not poke the body with the stick, please?

1- I’m not your friend. 2- Sure ‘ya are, fishin’ buddy!

1. Promise me something will you.
2. What’s that?
1. Promise you’ll stop finding dead people.

A Lot of people start off hot, then I;m kinda the fireman, I cool them down a little bit.

C’mon Clay, now you know I couldn’t have that deputy dawg waking up with a loaded gun. You got one, use it.

Don’t hit me or nothin,just wanna play pool.

Go Ahead, I’ll just deny it. Who are they gonna believe, you or the widow?

I am not your friend.

I’m Lester Long…Lester the Mole-lester.

Jesus Christ Clay, light a match or somethin’will yea. That is not decent in a boat like this.

My name ain’t cowboy

Oh I went over to that Doc Holidays, looking for a little of the shuss, the bad, and there she was.

Oh man, it gets uglier and uglier don’t it? I love the open water man.

Patience buddy, can you try that? The big P word, Patience?

Well, Fuck Me. Man overboard! Man overboard! Alarm!?

Yoou don’t know the half of it. I’m like a big fireworks shows. I’m pretty bright. Like a Lite Brite.

You know if I go down, you go with me.

You know ole Lester Long never forget a friend.

Your deputy’s name is Barney? That’s great.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Clay Pigeons’: Quotes from the movie ‘Clay Pigeons’

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