Movie Quotes from Boomerang: Quotes from the movie Boomerang

Some of you niggaz don’t know when they have a good thing coming why don’t you limp your black ass back in there and fuck you!

1) Angela is a NICE girl! 2) Oh so I can’t be with a nice girl? 3) NO!

1) Are you saying your parents are smoking pot in my bathroom? 2) No, they’re in there fucking.

1) Excuse me, can you tell me what time the show starts? I just want to know what time the show starts…2) wait a minute…..WHAT?! 3) Wat tine dos da sho tarts 4) The show started an hour ago. 5) thank you! 6) You welcome! 7) you’re really good at this job. 8) I know this!

1) Here’s the bowl…and here’s the fish…why isn’t the fish in the bowl? 2) Because I don’t want them there.

1) Hi there! That’s a beautiful accent, where are you from? 2) I’m from Holland. Nice to meet you. 3) It’s nice to meet you too, see ya. 4) I’m..I’m from Detroit.

1) I don’t date men I work with 2) Well then I quit 3) You can’t quit…because…I need you

1) Nasty Nelson! 2) That’s me!

1) Remember the girl I met at the emergency room? 2) Yeah… 3) Baby got her stitches out!

1) Wanna come in for a cup of coffee? 2)not even if Jesus was pouring it.

1) What?! You’re going to turn down this pussy?! Nobody turns down this pussy! 2) Would you…shhhh! Stop saying pussy! 3) PUSSY, PUSSY, PUSSSSSYYY! pusss, pusss, pussssy!

1) You’re Marcus Graham? This is so funny that we’re meeting like this. Oh, I’m Jacqueline Broyer. I have to say, I’m a huge fan of your work! I think you’re very talented. 2) Oh well thank you, you see? And you were treating me like my name was Stanley down there in the lobby….

and there she was on the floor….with the best-man…and the priest.

Don’t be pussy whipped. Whip that pussy! Bang bang bang bang bang!!!!

Gerard! Did you know that your father has a mushroom belt?

Gold star for Marcus!

Have there been any accidents reported in mid-town? OH WHAT THE HELL IS 911 FOR?!

He didn’t marry me for my cooking.

He’s got a handicapped sign on his balls.

Hey Marcus, I heard some woman at the office has you pussy whooped!

I don’t understand, how can woman that fine have Hammer-Time on her feet!

Is that a nipple?

Kirby…Kirby..! KIRRRBY!

Maaaaaacuss, da’ling! I have no panties on…!

Marcus, how could you let her dog you out like that

Racial, man! Racial!

Someone said you’ve been pussy whipped, you ‘got reverse that — whip that pusssy!

Strange, Stinks so Good!

Well at least I have had sex in the 90s!

What do you know about love? What could you possibly know about love You know, I’m sick and tired of men using love as if it’s some disease you just catch. Love should have brought your ass home last night.

What does that mean that it’ll take…a week? No, not you Marcus, you’re the man!

what time does the show start?

You gotta coordinate!

You’re not Gay! You just don’t want to fuck me!

You’re not getting serious on me are you? You’re not suggesting we…grrroow and expect to be together alll the tiime! Are you?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Boomerang’: Quotes from the movie ‘Boomerang’

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