But first, a couple of funny signs
Every day Innocentenglish.com posts 2 new funny signs and a funny quick break post. This Quick Break section has today’s quick break plus previous ones, so you can browse thru any you missed.
Funny Signs of the Day


Now Today’s Daily Quick Break:
You’ve probably seen some of these classic dumb, stupid and funny warning labels and product instructions before. Some are painfully obvious, some don’t quite master the English language, and others are unintended double meanings… Most are pretty darn funny.  So, in case you missed any, here is a collection of the stupidest and funniest warning labels, most verified as authentic.
Funny, Dumb and Stupid Warning Labels
Do not use while sleeping.
Sears hair dryer
You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
Bag of Fritos
Use like regular soap.
Dial soap
Serving suggestion: Defrost.
Swann frozen dinner
Fits one head.
Shower cap box
Do not turn upside down.
Bottom of Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert box
To read the rest, go to: Stupid and Funny Warning Labels and Product Instructions