Boy Baby Name Database: Meaning and Origin. Page 8

Name Meaning Origin
Clarion Name of a king Arthurian Legend
Clark Cleric: secretary. English
Clarke Cleric: secretary. English
Claud Lame. English
Claudas name of a king arthurian
Claude Lame. English
Claudio Lame. English
Claudio Lame Spanish
Claudios lame dutch
Claudius Lame. English
Claus people’s victory greek
Clay mortal english
Clay Mortal English
Clayborne from the clay brook english
Clayborne From the clay brook English
Claybourne From the clay brook English
Clayburn From the clay brook English
Clayson Variant of Nicholas. English
Clayton Mortal: Place-name and surname derived from Clay. English
Cleary scholar gaelic
Cleavon Cliff. English
Cleit Rocky eminence Scottish
Clementius merciful dutch
Clennan Finnian’s servant Scottish
Cleobis myth name (son of a priestess) greek
Cleon From the cliff English
Cletus summoned greek
Cleve cliffs: Abbreviation of Cleveland. English
Cleveland from the cliffs english
Cleveland From the cliff land English
Clevon From the cliff English
Cliff Lives by the ford near the cliff English
Clifford lives by the ford near the cliff english
Clifford Lives by the ford near the cliff English
Cliffton from the farm near the cliff english
Cliffton From the farm near the cliff English
Clifland From the cliff land English
Clifton From the farm near the cliff English
Cliftun From the farm near the cliff English
Clint From the headland estate English
Clinton from the headland estate english
Clinton From the headland estate. Hillside town. English
Clinttun From the headland estate English
Clintwood hillside. English
Clive lives at the cliffs english
Clive Lives at the cliffs English
Clodoveo Famous warrior Spanish
Cloridan myth name french
Clovis name of a king french
Clovis famous warrior german
Clovis Name of a king French
Clovis Renowned fighter. Variant of Louis. German
Cluny from the meadow gaelic
Cluny From the meadow Irish
Clust myth name (son of Clustfeinad) celtic
Clust Mythical son of Clustfeinad Celtic
Clustfeinad myth name celtic
Clustfeinad Mythical father of Clust Celtic
Clyde Refers to the Scottish Clyde river. Scottish
Clyffton From the farm near the cliff English
Clyfland From the cliff land English
Clyford Cliff-side ford. English
Clyftun From the farm near the cliff English
Clyve Lives at the cliffs English
Cnidel Name of a king Arthurian Legend
Cnut name of a king anglo
Cnut Name of a king Anglo-Saxon
Coatl snake nahuatl
Coburn Surname and place name. Scottish
Coburn Surname and place name. English
Coby Variant of Coburn. English
Coby Variant of Coburn. Scottish
Cochise Renowned warrior chief of the Chiricahua Apache. Native American
Cochlain Hooded Irish
Cocidius myth name (a hunter god) celtic
Cocidius Mythical hunter god Celtic
Cocytus myth name (river of lamenting) greek
Codell Helpful. English
Codell Helpful. Irish
Codey Helpful. English
Codey Helpful. Irish
Codi A cushion English
Codie A cushion English
Codie Helpful. Irish
Codrin meaning unknown romanian
Cody a cushion english
Cody Helpful. Irish
Cody A cushion: Helpful. English
Coeus myth name (father of Leto) greek
Cofahealh Lives at the cave slope English
Coghlan Hooded Irish
Cohen Allternate Spellings: Coen or Koen.Brave. German
Coigleach distaff gaelic
Coilin Virile Irish
Coillcumhann From the narrow forest Irish
Coilleach guards the forest gaelic
Coinleain well-shaped gaelic
Coinneach handsome celtic
Coinneach handsome gaelic
Coinneach Handsome Celtic
Coinneach Handsome Irish
Coire Seething pool Scottish
Coireail Lordly Irish
Colan Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colan Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. French
Colbert seaman english
Colbert Seaman English
Colbert Dark: dark-haired. French
Colbey Dark: dark-haired. French
Colby from the dark village anglo
Colby from the black farm english
Colby From the dark village Anglo-Saxon
Colby From the black farm English
Cole From the dark town: Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Coleman dark-skinned english
Coleman Dark skinned English
Coleman Dove Irish
Colemann Dark skinned English
Coletun From the dark town English
Coley Variant of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colfre Dove English
Colier Charcoal merchant English
Colin virile gaelic
Colin Victory of the people Scottish
Colin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. French
Colis Son of the dark man English
Colla An ancient Irish name whos meaning is lost in antiquety Irish
Collier charcoal merchant english
Collier Charcoal merchant Coal miner. English
Collin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Collin Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. French
Collin Virile Irish
Collins Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. French
Collins Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Collis son of the dark man english
Collis Son of the dark man English
Collyer Charcoal merchant English
Collyn Victor. Celtic
Colm Dove Irish
Colman Variant of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colman Dove Irish
Colmcille Dove of the church Irish
Colquhoun From Colquhoun Scottish
Colson Variant of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colt From the dark town English
Colten Coal town. English
Colter horse herdsman english
Colter Horse herdsman Variant of Colt young horse:frisky. English
Coltere Horse herdsman English
Colton from the dark town english
Colton From the dark town English
Coltrane Variant of Colt young horse:frisky. English
Colum dove gaelic
Columbo Dove Irish
Colver Dove English
Colvert Seaman English
Colvyr Dove English
Colwyn A river in Wales. Welsh
Colyer Charcoal merchant English
Colyn Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. French
Colyn Abbreviation of Nicholas people’s victory. English
Colys Son of the dark man English
Coman Bent Irish
Comhghan twin gaelic
Comhghan Twin Irish
Comyn meaning unknown gaelic
Comyn Shrewd Irish
Comyn From Comines Scottish
Con Wise Celtic
Conaire Wise or red Irish
Conal High: mighty. Celtic
Conal High: mighty. Irish
Conall myth name (Ulster chieftain) celtic
Conall myth name (Ulster chief) celtic
Conall Strong in battle High: mighty. Celtic
Conall High: mighty. Irish
Conall cernach Mythical Ulster chieftain Celtic
Conan wise celtic
Conan Hound. Irish
Conan Wise Celtic
Conant Wise Celtic
Conary An ancient Irish name whos meaning is lost in antiquety Irish
Conchobar myth name (a hero) celtic
Conchobar Mythical hero Celtic
Conchobhar Strong willed or wise Irish
Condan dark-haired wise man celtic
Condan Dark haired wise man Celtic
Condon Dark haired wise man Celtic
Cong Unisexual name meaning "intelligent; clever" chinese
Conlan hero gaelic
Conlan Hero Irish
Conlaoch meaning unknown celtic
Conleth Ardent or wise Irish
Conley Ardent or wise Irish
Conn myth name (son of Lir) celtic
Conn High: mighty. Irish
Conn Mythical son of Lir wise: High: mighty. Celtic
Connacht Brave or wise Irish
Connah Contented Welsh
Connal High: mighty. Celtic
Connal High: mighty. Irish
Connell Strong in battle Celtic
Connell Surname. High: mighty. Irish
Conner Hound-lover. Irish
Connie Strong willed or wise Irish
Connla myth name (son of Conn) celtic
Connla Mythical son of Conn Celtic
Connlaio Ardent or wise Irish
Connolly Brave or wise Irish
Connor Strong willed or wise Hound-lover. Irish
Conny Strong willed or wise Irish
Conor Strong willed or wise Irish
Conor Strength Irish (Gealic)
Conrad honest advisor german
Conrad Honest advisor Brave: wise. German
Conradin Honest advisor German
Conrado Spanish form of Conrad able counsel Spanish
Conrado Honest advisor German
Conroy persistent celtic
Conroy wise gaelic
Conroy Persistent Celtic
Conroy Wise or red Irish
Constantin firm italian
Constantine dwyne “Constantine-faithful, firmness Dwyne – wagon maker” “Latin,African American
Constantino Constant Spanish
Conway hound of the plain celtic
Conway hound of the plain gaelic
Conway Hound of the plain Celtic
Conway Hound of the plain Irish
Cony Variant of Corey Hill hollow. English
Cony Variant of Corey Hill hollow. Irish
Cooey Hound of the plains Irish
Cooley Hound of Ulster Irish
Coolie Hound of Ulster Irish
Cooney Handsome Irish
Cooper makes barrels english
Cooper Barrel maker English
Coopersmith Barrel maker English
Corann myth name (a druid) celtic
Corann Mythical druid Celtic
Corban A gift devoted to God. Greek
Corben Raven-haired. English
Corben Raven-haired. French
Corbenic where the grail was kept arthurian
Corbenic Where the grail was kept Arthurian Legend
Corbett Raven. English
Corbett Raven. French
Corbin Raven-haired. English
Corbin Raven-haired. French
Corbmac Charioteer Irish
Corby Raven-haired. French
Corby Raven-haired. English
Corbyn Raven-haired. English
Corbyn Raven-haired. French
Corcoran reddish-skinned gaelic
Corcoran Reddish skin Surname. Irish
Cord Variant of Cordell cordmaker. English
Cord Honest advisor German
Cordale Variant of Cordell cordmaker. English
Corday Variant of Cordell cordmaker. English
Cordell Cordmaker. English
Cordero “Lamb, sheep.” Spanish
Corey chosen anglo
Corey ravine gaelic
Corey Hill hollow. English
Corey From the round hill or hollow. Irish
Corey Seething pool Scottish
Corey Chosen Anglo-Saxon
Cori From the round hill Irish
Corin Spear-bearer. Irish
Corineus myth name greek
Corky Variant of Corey Hill hollow. English
Corky Variant of Corey Hill hollow. Irish
Corlan Spear-bearer. Irish
Corley Variant of Corey Hill hollow. English
Corley Variant of Corey Hill hollow. Irish
Cormac charioteer celtic
Cormac charioteer gaelic
Cormac Charioteer Celtic
Cormac Charioteer Irish
Cormack Variant of Cormac raven’s son. Irish
Cormic Charioteer Irish
Cormick Charioteer: Variant of Cormac raven’s son. Irish
Cornelio Horn Spanish
Cornelius Strong willed or wise Irish
Corrado bold german
Corrado bold, sage counselor italian
Corrado Bold German
Corran Spear-bearer. Irish
Corren Spear-bearer. Irish
Correy Variant of Corey Hill hollow. English
Correy Variant of Corey Hill hollow. Irish
Corrick Variant of Corey Hill hollow. English
Corrick Variant of Corey Hill hollow. Irish
Corrin Spear-bearer. Irish
Cort Honest advisor German
Cort Courtier: court attendant. English
Cort Courtier: court attendant. French
Cortez Courteous. Variant of Curtis. The Spanish explorer and adventurer Cortez conquered the Aztec civilization of Mexico with only a small expeditionary force. Spanish
Cortland Courtier: court attendant. English
Cortland Courtier: court attendant. French
Corvin Raven-haired. English
Corvin Raven-haired. French
Corwan Friend of the heart English
Corwin friend of the heart english
Corwin Friend of the heart English
Corwine Friend of the heart English
Corwyn Friend of the heart English
Cory hill: hollow. English
Cory From the round hill Irish
Cory Seething pool Scottish
Corybantes myth name (priest of Rhea) greek
Corydon ready to fight greek
Cosmas order greek
Cosmin meaning unknown romanian
Cosmo “Order, universe.” Greek
Costel meaning unknown romanian
Costello Surname. Irish
Costi meaning unknown romanian
Costica meaning unknown romanian
Costin constant romanian
Cottus myth name (a Titan) greek
Cougar Unknown
Coughlan Hooded Irish
Coulter Variant of Colt young horse:frisky. English
Court Courtier: court attendant. French
Court Courtier: court attendant. English
Courtenay Courtier: court attendant. English
Courtenay Courtier: court attendant. French
Courtland from the enclosed land anglo
Courtland lives at the farmstead english
Courtland from the court french
Courtland Dweller by the dark stream Anglo-Saxon
Courtland Lives at the farmstead English
Courtland Courtier: court attendant. French
Courtnay Dweller by the dark stream Anglo-Saxon
Courtnay From the court French
Courtney Dweller by the dark stream Anglo-Saxon
Courtney Courtier: court attendant. English
Courtney From the court French
Covell lives at the cave slope english
Covell Lives at the cave slope English
Covey Hound of the plains Irish
Covyll Lives at the cave slope English
Cowan dwells by the hillside hollow gaelic
Cowan Twin Irish
Cowen Twin Irish
Cowyn Twin Irish
Coyan Modest. French
Coyle searches for battle gaelic
Coyle Leader in battle. Irish
Coyne Modest. French
Coyotl coyote nahuatl
Cradawg myth name (son of Bran) celtic
Cradawg Mythical son of Bran Celtic
Craig dwells at the crag gaelic
Craig Dwells at the crag Scottish
Crandall from the crane valley english
Crandall From the crane valley English
Crandell From the crane valley English
Cranleah From the crane meadow English
Cranley from the crane meadow english
Cranley From the crane meadow English
Cranly From the crane meadow English
Crannog Lake dweller Scottish
Cranston from the crane estate english
Cranston From the crane estate English
Cranstun From the crane estate English
Crawford from the crow’s ford english
Crawford From the crow’s ford English
Crayton Border dweller. Scottish
Creed Belief: guiding principle. English
Creedon A surname meaning Belief: guiding principle. Irish
Creighton lives at the creek town english
Creighton Lives at the creek town English
Creighton From the farm by the creek Scottish
Creketun Lives at the creek town English
Creon myth name (Jocasta’s brother) greek
Crespin Curly-haired. The 3rd century martyr St. Crispin is known as patron of shoemakers. English
Cretien Christian French
Crevan Fox Irish
Crichton from the town by the creek english
Crichton From the town by the creek English
Criostoir Christ-bearer gaelic
Cris Variant abbreviation of Christopher and Christian. Spanish
Crispin curly-haired swiss
Crispin Curly-haired. The 3rd century martyr St. Crispin is known as patron of shoemakers. English
Cristian christian romanian
Cristian Follower of Christ: the Annointed. Spanish
Cristiano Christian Spanish
Cristobal Spanish form of Christopher Christ bearer Spanish
Cristofer With Christ inside. Spanish
Cristofor With Christ inside. Spanish
Cristoforo Italian form of Christopher (Christ-bearer) italian
Criston Follower of Christ: the Annointed. Spanish
Cristos Follower of Christ: the Annointed. Spanish
Cristoval With Christ inside. Spanish
Croften from the enclosed town english
Croften From the enclosed town English
Crofton From the enclosed town English
Crogher Loves hounds Irish
Crohoore Loves hounds Irish
Crom Crooked Scottish
Crombwiella Lives by the winding stream English
Crompton from the winding farm english
Crompton From the winding farm English
Cromwell lives by the winding stream english
Cromwell From the crooked well Scottish
Cromwell Lives by the winding stream English
Cronan dark brown gaelic
Cronan Little dark one Irish
Cronus myth name (a Titan) greek
Crosleah From the cross meadow English
Crosleigh From the cross meadow English
Crosley from the cross meadow english
Crosley From the cross meadow English
Crosly From the cross meadow English
Crowell From a town in England. English
Crowley Hunch backed Irish
Croydon Surname and place-name. English
Cruadhlaoich Hunch backed Irish
Crudel name of a king arthurian
Cruim Crooked Scottish
Cruz Cross. Spanish
Csaba myth name hungarian
Ctesippus myth name (one of Penelope’s suitors) greek
Cualli unisexual name meaning "good." nahuatl
Cuanaic Handsome Irish
Cuartio Born fourth Spanish
Cuarto Born fourth Spanish
Cuauhtemoc descending eagle; also name of last Mexica emperor nahuatl
Cuchulain myth name (the Hound of Ulster) celtic
Cuchulain Mythical Hound of Ulster Celtic
Cuetlachtli wolf nahuatl
Cuetzpalli lizard nahuatl
Cuilean cub gaelic
Cuinn wise gaelic
Cuinn Wise Celtic
Cuinn Intelligent Irish
Cuixtli kite nahuatl
Culain myth name (the smith) celtic
Culain Mythical smith Celtic
Culann Mythical smith Celtic
Culbart Seaman English
Culbert Seaman English
Culhwch Arthur’s nephew arthurian
Culhwch meaning unknown celtic
Culhwch Arthur’s nephew Arthurian Legend
Cullan handsome gaelic
Cullan Good-looking lad. Irish
Cullen cub celtic
Cullen Cub Celtic
Cullen Good-looking lad. Surname. Irish
Culley dwells at the woodland gaelic
Culley Unknown
Cullin Good-looking lad. Irish
Cullo Hound of Ulster Irish
Culloden From the nook of the marsh Scottish
Culum Dove Irish (Gealic)
Culver dove english
Culver Dove English
Cumhea Hound of the plains Irish
Cumin From Comines Scottish
Cumming From Comines Scottish
Cunningham From Cunningham Scottish
Cuong healthy and prosperous vietnamese
Cupere Barrel maker English
Curcio Courteous French
Curcio Polite Spanish
Curran hero gaelic
Curran Surname. Irish
Currito Free Spanish
Curro Free Spanish
Curt From the court French
Curt Abbreviation of Curtis courteous. See also Cort and Kurt. English
Curtice Courteous French
Curtis courteous french
Curtis Courteous French
Curtis Courteous. See also Curt English
Curtiss Courteous. See also Curt English
Curtiss Courteous. See also Curt French
Cus Name of a king Arthurian Legend
Custennin meaning unknown arthurian
Custennin myth name (a giant) celtic
Custennin Mythical giant Celtic
Cuthbeorht Noted splendor English
Cuthbert famous, intelligent anglo
Cuthbert noted splendor english
Cuthbert Noted splendor English
Cutler makes knives english
Cutler Makes knives English
Cuuladh Hound of Ulster Irish
Cuyler Chapel Irish
Cwentun from the queen’s estate english
Cwentun From the queen’s estate English
Cy Master: lord. English
Cycnus swan greek
Cymbeline meaning unknown arthurian
Cymbelline myth name english

Page Topic: Boys Baby Name Database: Meaning and Origin. Page 8

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