Movie Quotes from Zapped!: Quotes from the movie Zapped!

DEXTER:Alan! Take your finger out of your nose! What did I tell you
about that shit? Now,suck it! Suck it!

GARY COOTER(reading his English poem):Chicks. Sometimes I feel like
I’m so much above them. And sometimes I feel like I’m so much below
them. Sometimes I hate them. And sometimes I love them. But if I was
a caveman,I think I’d just club them.

. And sometimes I feel like I’m so much below
‘um. Sometimes I hate ‘um. And sometimes I love ‘um.

GARY COOTER(reading his English poem):Chicks. Sometimes I feel like
I’m so much above them. And sometimes I feel like I’m so much below
them. Sometimes I hate them. And sometimes I love them. But if I was
a caveman,I think I’d just club them.


THE PRICIPAL:Oh,Dexter? Keep this to yourself. DEXTER:Always do. I got
a file in my head,two-feet thick,about a whole lot of things that you
do,that I keep to myself.

You ain’t shittin, Mr. Einstein!

Your mother made her speciality, Spam with creamsauce!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Zapped!’: Quotes from the movie ‘Zapped!’

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