Movie Quotes from Victor/Victoria: Quotes from the movie Victor/Victoria

1. From the beginning we’ve had two major obstacles… 2. My bosom.

1. I’m so tired I don’t think I can sleep. 2. I’ll get you a cognac. 1. That’ll help me sleep? 2. No, but it’ll make staying awake a hell of a lot more fun.

1. If he’s a polish count, I’m Greta Garbo. 2. Well, Greta, whatever he is, I think he’s divine.

1: There are just some things that are naturally masculine. 2: Name one. 1: Um…peeing standing up! 2: There is no rule that says a man can’t sit down. 1: Men have Adam’s apples! 2: So do some women. 1: Name one. 2: Nana Lanou. 1: Nana Lanou, who’s she? 2: The last woman I slept with. 1: And when was that? 2: The night before the morning I decided to become a homosexual. *puts scarf on 1* Very dashing. 1: I can’t wear this all the time. 2: Why not? Might set a fashion. 1: Did Miss Lanou have a big Adam’s apple? 2: Like a coconut!

1: It’s no big deal. This happens to everyone. Men, I mean. We’re lucky! Women, I mean. We can fake it if we have to. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I never have with you. With you it’s like pow, POW, like the Fourth of July, every time. Just tonight because you couldn’t get it–up till now it’s been grand, Pookie, really grand. You can’t let it get you, if you’ll excuse the expression, down. You can’t think about it, you just gotta put it out of your mind. ‘Cause the more you think the more you worry, more you worry the more you think, think worry. It just gets like a vicious cycle! And then before you know it, you are imputent.

1: Sit up. 2: Then what? 1. Stand up. 2: Sit up, stand up, throw up. 2: Now you are not going to be sick! 1: Not if I faint first!

1: Speaking of overworked jaws, why don’t you treat yours to a sabbatical and fetch me a wine list? 2: This is all they have. 1: This? The last time I saw a speciment like this they had to shoot the horse! 3: How lucky can you get? In one evening, a Rockefeller and a Groucho Marx. 1: Oh, it wasn’t a real horse, just a costume with two waiters in it. 3: I shall think of a chocolate torte while I am getting your roast chicken. 1: It’s a wise man who knows when to throw in the towel. 3: And it is a moron who gives advice to a horse’s ass.

And, when you’re dancing, use tons of shoulder. Remember, you’re a drag queen!

Chicago, Illinois.

Crazy World.

Gay Paree.

I was a late bloomer.

It’s probably all for the best.

Le Jazz Hot.

Men have Adam’s apples.

Oh, Toddy, if I have to strap down my bosoms for the next twenty years they’re gonna wind up looking like two empty wallets.

Poooookie, I’m hoooorny!

Rene darling, why don’t you just suck an egg?

The quote listed for the waiter below is incorrect. He says good retort, not chocolate torte.

1: Speaking of overworked jaws, why don’t you treat yours to a sabbatical and fetch me a wine list? 2: This is all they have. 1: This? The last time I saw a speciment like this they had to shoot the horse! 3: How lucky can you get? In one evening, a Rockefeller and a Groucho Marx. 1: Oh, it wasn’t a real horse, just a costume with two waiters in it. 3: I shall think of a good retort while I am getting your roast chicken. 1: It’s a wise man who knows when to throw in the towel. 3: And it is a moron who gives advice to a horse’s ass.

The shady dame from Seville.

There’s nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a headcold.

You aint seen the last of me yet.

You and me.

you can’t do this to mrs. cassidy’s little girl, mr faggy marchant
you ain’t seen the last of me yet

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Victor/Victoria’: Quotes from the movie ‘Victor/Victoria’

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