Movie Quotes from Untamed Heart: Quotes from the movie Untamed Heart

Look at him! He looks like tuna sittin’ over there. Ugh, and his hair! It just bothers me so much!

#1 I’ve fallen #2 Are you hurt? #1 I wasn’t finished. I’ve fallen so in love with you, so much more than I told you I would.

#1 What do you think about Adam?
#2 Adam, Adam? I don’t know he is kind of cute. I’d do him…if he just wasn’t so dumb!

-Adam your heart is diseased! You need a new one. -But this is my heart! I’m afraid that if they take it away I won’t be able to love you the same. -You love with your mind and soul, not your heart, that’s just a saying. -[Touching his chest] Then how come I hurt here when your not with me?

-I follow you home… -You follow me home? -I wasn’t finished. -Finish. -I follow you home to make sure you’re…safe. -Well I never see you. -I stay pretty far behind. I’m sorry. -Well, I mean, don’t be sorry…I just… -I wasn’t finished. -Finish. -I’m sorry I was late that night.

-I follow you home… -You follow me home? -I wasn’t finished. -Finish. -I follow you home to make sure you’re…safe. -Well I never see you. -I stay pretty far behind. I’m sorry. -Well,I mean, don’t be sorry…I just… -I wasn’t finished. -Finish. -I’m sorry I was late that night.

-I love hocky. -You didn’t even know what a power-play was. -I know. But next time you can tell me.

-I wonder if you think about me. -Of course I think of you! -I wasn’t finished. -Finish. -I wonder if you think about me half as much as I think about you.

-What did the doctor say? -That I’m not allowed to stick knives in my stomach.

-What’s your dog’s name? -I don’t know. He never told me.

-When did you get here? -Ten. -Ten? That was almost two hours ago. You’d rather be out here with my cat than inside with…[realizing] than inside with a room full of strangers and relatives.

-You are like sand in my underwear. -Ouch.

-You don’t have to come as my boyfriend or anything. Though I’d like you to. [Adam nods] Is that a yes? -Yes. -Say yes again. -Yes.

1) That’s Mars. You just wished on a planet 2) Figures

1).Would you like to see my records Caroline? 2).You know I never really heard you say my name before. It sounded nice.1).Would you like to see my records Caroline,Caroline?

1- Oh, you have a dog! What’s his name?
2- Don’t know, never asked.

Adam-Once people got us to staying away, they always stayed away. I never got close to anybody.

Adam-You are my peace.

Adam: I wonder if you think about me.Caroline: Of course I think about you!Adam: I wasn’t finished.Caroline: Finish.Adam: I wonder if you think about me half as much as I think about you.

Caroline: He was like an angel, you know? I never knew life could be like that. He was the one thing I followed through in my life, the one thing I didn’t give up on. I was good at loving him.

Caroline: I have fallen.Adam: Are you hurt?Caroline: I wasn’t finished.Adam: Finish.Caroline: I have fallen so in love with you. So much more than I said I would.

Caroline: Look lady, I’m not butchurin’ your hair! It’s a free haircut. So stop your bitchin’ before I cut it all off ya fat cow! Thanks!

Caroline: What’s your dog’s name?Adam: I don’t know. He never told me.

Caroline: You don’t really love with your heart. It’s just a saying. You love with your mind and your soul.Adam: Then why does it hurt so much here when you’re not with me?

Do not kick the machine!

Don’t let people stand in your way. They’re just people, like you and me! Well, maybe not like you. I don’t know if I have ever met anyone like you before.

He doesn’t make sense, I don’t make sense, together we make sense.

He doesn’t make sense, I don’t make sense. Together, we make sense.

He doesn’t make sense. I don’t make sense. Together we make sense.

He doesn’t make sense. I don’t make sense. Together, we make sense.

He was like an angel, you know? I never knew life could be like that. He was the one thing I followed through in my life, the one thing I didn’t give up on. I was good at loving him.

I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?

I was good at loving him.

I’m going to fall in love with you…You don’t have to love me back…But I give you my heart.

I’m gonna fall in love with you. You don’t have to love me back. I’m gonna give you my heart.

I’m not very good with people.

It’s not right to feel shitty this time of year, but everybody does. It’s like this is life and once you go through it long enough you realize what the flavor is. And it sure ain’t vanilla!

It’s too bad though. I’s do him, if he wasn’t so dumb!

My life is like watching The Three Stooges in Spanish!

Nature Boy.

Shut your yap before I cut it all off, ya fat cow!

We feel love with our minds and souls, not with our hearts. That’s just a saying. Then why does it hurt so much here when you’re gone?

What worries me is when someone as screwed up as these guys doesn’t want me!

You are like wet sand in my underwear

[About her dad]-First guy to walk out of my life, definetly not the last. Funny things, you and me. You always stayin’ away from love, me always chasin’ afer it.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Untamed Heart’: Quotes from the movie ‘Untamed Heart’

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